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In the sense that utilitarian motivation helps a consumer maintain his or her state, these motivations work much like _____.
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Utilitarian Motivation, Homeostasis, Consumer Behavior – Marketing Quiz 5

The key terms in this Consumer Behavior course include Utilitarian Motivation, Homeostasis, Hedonic Motivation, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Esteem Needs, Anticipation Appraisal, Self-Improvement Motivation, Consumer Behavior – Marketing Quiz 5

In the sense that utilitarian motivation helps a consumer maintain his or her state, these motivations work much like _____.

promotion focus




Harry spends his weekends visiting automobile stores and going for test drives. He enjoys trying out new cars though he is not looking to buy a car. Harry’s behavior is most likely driven by _____.

preventive motivation

utilitarian motivation

physiological motivation

hedonic motivation

Correct. Harry’s behavior is most likely driven by hedonic motivation. Hedonic motivation involves a drive to experience something personally gratifying.

In the context of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs represents the need to be recognized as a person of worth?

Esteem needs

Physiological needs

Need for security

Need for belongingness

Susan, a single parent, is very close to her friends and relatives. She tries to visit her parents and grandparents frequently as that makes her feel that she is a vital part of her extended family. In the context of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the given scenario reflects Susan’s _____.

esteem needs

basic needs

need for self-actualization

need for belongingness

Sara is waiting for the result of the blood sugar test she took at a doctor’s clinic. She is very anxious and worried. Sara’s anxiousness is an example of _____.

equity appraisal

anticipation appraisal

agency appraisal

outcomes appraisal

Which of the following is true of self-improvement motivation?

It aims at maintaining a perceived current state.

It orients consumers toward avoiding negative consequences and maintaining homeostasis.

It is a function of a need driven by homeostasis.

It leads consumers to perform acts that cause emotions that help create hedonic value.