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Plasma Membrane – Biochemistry Exam

The key terms of Biochemistry Exam include, Plasma Membrane, Cell, Function, Glucose, DNA, Lipids.

The _____________ ______________ separates the inside of the cell from the outside, one cell from another cell.

plasma membrane

the membrane must be rendered semipermeable but in a very selective way. This ______________ ______________is the work of proteins that are embedded in the plasma membrane or associated with it

selective permeability

The plasma membrane of a plant is itself surrounded by a ______ _______

cell wall

The cell wall is constructed largely from ___________, a long, linear polymer of glucose molecules


The inner substance of the cell, the material that is surrounded by the plasma membrane, is called the ___________.


The cytoplasm is the site of a host of biochemical processes, including the:

initial stage of glucose metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, and protein synthesis.

the cytoskeleton is a network of three kinds of protein fibers—________ _____________, __________________ _____________, and ________________—that support the structure of the cell, help to localize certain biochemical activities, and even serve as “molecular highways” by which molecules can be shuttled around the cell

actin filaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules

a key difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is the presence of a complex array of intracellular, membrane-bounded compartments called ____________ in eukaryotes


The largest organelle is the_____________, which is a double-membrane-bounded organelle


The ___________ is the information center of the cell, the location of an organism’s genome.


The nuclear membrane is punctuated with ________ that allow transport into and out of the nucleus.



agents that enhance the rate of a chemical reaction without being permanently affected themselves

proteins catalysts are called


every process that takes place in living systems depends on:


primary function of nucleic acids:

store and transfer information

what do nucleic acids contain?

the instructions for all cellular functions and interactions

nucleic acids are constructed from only four building blocks called:


a nucleotide is made up of:

five carbon sugar either deoxyribose or ribose, attatched to a heterocyclic ring stucture called a base,
and at least one phosphoryl group

there are two types of nucleic acids:

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)

genetic information is stored in:

DNA, the “parts list” that determines the nature of the organism

DNA is constructed from __________ deoxyribonucleotides. differing from one another only in the __________ structure of the __________

4 ,ring, bases

the four bases of DNA are:

Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine

the information content of DNA is the sequence of nucleotides linked together by ________________ linkages.


In the double helix, bases interact with one another such that:

A with T and C with G

some regions of DNA are copied as a special class of RNA molecules called______________ ________

messenger RNA

mRNA is a template for the synthesis of __________


unlike DNA, mRNA is :

frequently broken down after use

RNA is similar to DNA in composition with two exceptions:

1. the base thymine (T) is replaced with uracil (U)
2. the sugar component of the ribonucleotides contain an additional hydroxyl (-OH) group

among the key biomolecules, ___________ are much smaller than proteins or nucleic acids


lipids are not polymers made of ____________ ___________, as are proteins and nucleic acids

repeating units

a key characteristic of many biochemically important lipids is their dual chemical nature: part of the molecule is _____________ and the other part of the molecule is ___________

hydophillic, hydrophobic


it can dissolve in water


cannot dissolve in water

the dual nature of lipids allows:

lipids to form barriers that delineate the cell from its environment and to establish intracellular componentsl allows an “inside” and “outside” at biochemical level

lipids are also an important ___________ form of energy


the hydrophobic component of lipids can undergo _____________ to provide large amounts of cellular energy.


the most common carbohydrate fuel

glucose the simple sugar

glucose is stored in animals as:


what does glycogen consist of:

many glucose molecules linked end to end and having occasional branches

in plants, the storage form of glucose is


central dogma

proposed by Francis Crick: information flows from DNA to RNA to protein

DNA constitutes the heritable information – the __________


the information of the genome is packed in discrete units called


the process of copying the genome is called


DNA polymerase

a group of enzymes that catalyze the replication process

Translation takes place on large macromolecular complexes called ____________, consisting of RNA and protein


The _______ is the basic unit of life


A ____________ is a lipid bilayer: two layers of lipids organized with their hydrophobic chains interacting with one another and the hydrophilic head groups interacting with the environment


There are two basic types of cells: ___________ cells and ____________ cells

eukaryotic, prokaryotic

The main difference between the two basic cell types is the existence of membrane-enclosed compartments in ______________ and the absence of such compartments in ________________.

eukaryotes, prokaryotes

—two biochemical features minimally constitute a cell: there must be :

(1) a barrier that separates the cell from its environment and
(2) an inside that is chemically differ- ent from the environment and that accommodates the biochemistry of living.

The _____________ ______________ separates the inside of the cell from the outside, one cell from another cell.

plasma membrane

the membrane must be rendered semipermeable but in a very selective way. This ______________ ______________is the work of proteins that are embedded in the plasma membrane or associated with it

selective permeability

The plasma membrane of a plant is itself surrounded by a ______ _______

cell wall

The cell wall is constructed largely from ___________, a long, linear polymer of glucose molecules


The inner substance of the cell, the material that is surrounded by the plasma membrane, is called the ___________.


The cytoplasm is the site of a host of biochemical processes, including the:

initial stage of glucose metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, and protein synthesis.

the cytoskeleton is a network of three kinds of protein fibers—________ _____________, __________________ _____________, and ________________—that support the structure of the cell, help to localize certain biochemical activities, and even serve as “molecular highways” by which molecules can be shuttled around the cell

actin filaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules

a key difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is the presence of a complex array of intracellular, membrane-bounded compartments called ____________ in eukaryotes


The largest organelle is the_____________, which is a double-membrane-bounded organelle


The ___________ is the information center of the cell, the location of an organism’s genome.


The nuclear membrane is punctuated with ________ that allow transport into and out of the nucleus.
