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COVID 19 (Corona Virus), Symptoms, Species, Invasive, Science, Biodiversity, Biology

The key terms in this Environmental Biology course include Corona Virus, symptoms of Corona Virus ( Covid 19 ), Species, Invasive, Science, Biodiversity, Area, Ownership, Environmental Biology.

Scientific research that produces knowledge without any immediate practical use is specifically known as…

Basic science – correct

Applied science

Hypothesis-based science

Descriptive science

Retrospective science

Which one of the following fulfills the definition of a hypothesis?

Removing invasive species will result in greater biodiversity.

Introducing invasive species will harm an ecosystem.

Invasive species are non-native species that alter ecosystems.

Introducing invasive species will decrease biodiversity by displacing native species. – correct

Ecosystem productivity will decrease when invasive species are introduced.

Which one of the following is consistent with the frontier ethic?

Expanding the area covered by a wildlife sanctuary

Protecting a natural area as a national park

Sustainable logging of a forest

Transferring ownership of forestland from private ownership to the federal government

Extracting copper ore from mineral-rich deposit in a landscape rich in biodiversity – correct

Which one of the following fulfills the definition of a hypothesis?

Removing invasive species will result in greater biodiversity.

Introducing invasive species will harm an ecosystem.

Invasive species are non-native species that alter ecosystems.

Introducing invasive species will decrease biodiversity by displacing native species. – correct

Ecosystem productivity will decrease when invasive species are introduced.

Which one of the following is consistent with the frontier ethic?

Expanding the area covered by a wildlife sanctuary

Protecting a natural area as a national park

Sustainable logging of a forest

Transferring ownership of forestland from private ownership to the federal government

Extracting copper ore from mineral-rich deposit in a landscape rich in biodiversity – correct

Select all the symptoms that may be caused by COVID-19

Correct options



Runny or Stuffy Nose

Aches and Pains

Shortness of Breath




Sore Throat


Evidence shows that COVID-19 spreads through close personal contact – within about 6 feet or 2 meters.

True – correct


Students that have COVID-19 symptoms should contact Health Center right away.

True – correct


Where should you wear a facemask?

In public or shared spaces – correct

In the shower

While swimming in the ocean

Students will have to show up in a classroom in order to receive course materials.


False – correct

Scientific research that produces knowledge without any immediate practical use is specifically known as…

Basic science – correct

Applied science

Hypothesis-based science

Descriptive science

Retrospective science

Which one of the following fulfills the definition of a hypothesis?

Removing invasive species will result in greater biodiversity.

Introducing invasive species will harm an ecosystem.

Invasive species are non-native species that alter ecosystems.

Introducing invasive species will decrease biodiversity by displacing native species. – correct

Ecosystem productivity will decrease when invasive species are introduced.

Which one of the following is consistent with the frontier ethic?

Expanding the area covered by a wildlife sanctuary

Protecting a natural area as a national park

Sustainable logging of a forest

Transferring ownership of forestland from private ownership to the federal government

Extracting copper ore from mineral-rich deposit in a landscape rich in biodiversity – correct