chapter 3 Job Performance Human Resources

This chapter covers Job Performance Human Resources.

Job Anaylisis

Systematic way of gathering and analyzing information about the content, context, and human requirements of a job (used for job descriptions and specifications)

Job Design Approaches

-Job enlargement
-Job enrichment
-Job sharing
-Work teams
-Job Rotation
-Job enlargement

Job Redesign

Changing an existing job to improve it

Ethics Programs

-A written code of ethics and standard of conduct
-Training on ethical behavior for all workers
-Advise to employees, often given by HR, on ethical situations they might face

Organizational Culture

The shared values and beliefs that give members of an organization meaning and provide them with rules for behavior


The desire within a person causing that person to act to reach a goal

Job enlargement

Adding more tasks

Job enrichment

-More responsibility
-More Tasks

Job Sharing

Splitting a job between 2 people

Worker Teams

-Groups doing a chunk of work
– More efficient
-Mutual Responsibility

Job Rotation

Helps employees see how the pieces of a job fit together, to see the big picture. Also helps to keep employee from becoming board and complacent in one position.

Job Design

Organizing tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work

Person-Job Fit

Matching characteristics of people with the characteristics of jobs

Implementing Job Analysis

1. Planning for job analysis
2.Preparing for & introducing job analysis
3. Conducting job analysis
4. Developing job descriptions & specifications
5. Maintaining & updating job descriptions and specifications

Performance Equation

P= Ability x Effort x Support

Motivating Individual Performance

-Consistency in organizational rewards
-Organizational support for employee efforts
Accurate measurement of employee performance
-Desirability of rewards by employees

Types of Turnover


Computing Turnover Rate

Number of employee separation during the month/ Total number of employees at mid-month x 100

Turnover Costs

-Separation Cost
-Vacancy Cost
-Replacement Cost
-Training Cost
Hidden/indirect Cost

Drivers of Retention

-Org. & Management factors
-Rewards: compensation, benefits, performance
-Career Training and Development
-Employer policies & practices
-Job/ work-life balance
-Employee-supervisor relationships

Managing Retention

1.Employee surveys
2.Exit interviews
4.Realistic job previews
5.Recruiting and selection

Ways of Managing Surplus Talent

1.Reduction of work hours
2.Reduction in compensation
3.Attrition and hiring freeze
4.Voluntary departure
5.Workforce downsizing

Controllable Turnover

Things an organization CAN control to prevent turnover. Employees leaving for reasons that the employer could have changed

Outcomes of job analysis

1.Job description
2.Job specification


Individual beliefs of right and wrong and what should be done

Performance Factors

1. Ability
2. Effort
3. Support

Environmental Scanning

Assess internal and external environment that affects HR
