Fetal Growth – Test 9
The key terms of Test 9 include, Fetal Growth.
Pregnancies complicated by hypertension or fetal growth restriction caused by placental insufficiency can be assessed using ___________ ultrasound of blood flow through the umbilical artery to identify abnormalities in the diastolic flow.
During periods of hypoxemia, the fetus shunts blood from areas that are not critical to fetal life, such as the kidneys and lungs, toward the vital organs (heart, brain, and placenta). If the hypoxemia is prolonged, blood flow to the fetal kidneys and lungs, which produce most of the amniotic fluid, may virtually cease. Therefore, —————- indicates prolonged fetal hypoxia and strongly suggests fetal compromise.
Also called Cordocentesis, involves the aspiration of fetal blood from the umbilical cord near the placenta for prenatal diagnosis or therapy
PUBS is infrequently needed to determine the Karyotype (chromosome evaluation)
Purcutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)
Amniocentensis can be performed during the third trimester to evaluate ——– ——— ——— or Rh incompatibility problems.
Fetal lung maturity
Safe, noninvasive, painless; transducer moved over abdomen; useful after first trimester when gravid uterus is larger; requires full bladder
External abdominal ultrasound
Most common method of fetal blood sampling/transfusion
Blood is aspirated through the umbilical vein, fine gauge fetoscope is guided via amniocentesis technique
Precutaneous umbilical blood sampling
The most common cause of ——————– AFP is failure of the embryonic neural tube or anterior body wall to close properly.
Preterm labor or women who have a high risk for preterm labor
Preterm membrane rupture
History of extensive uterine surgery or classic uterine incision for cesarean birth
Placenta previa
Contraindications of CST
Uses a real-time ultrasound for visualization of physical and physiological characteristics of a fetus
Biophysical Profile (BPP)
Requires a blood sample from the mother. It is used to detect AFP (A protein produced by the fetus at its highest levels in weeks 12-15) after the 16th week of pregnancy when levels go to zero. High levels at this point indicate a neural tube defect.
Maternal alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test