Elastic Tissue & Compact Bone – Histology
This chapter is about elastic tissue and compact bone of histology.
What is the classification of areolar tissue, adipose tissue, reticular tissue, dense regular CT, dense irregular CT, and elastic tissue?
connective tissue proper
What is the classification of blood and lymph?
fluid connective tissue
What is the classification of hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, fibrocartilage, and bone?
supporting connective tissues
dry barrier that protects surfaces exposed to the outside environment from abrasion and pathogens
function of stratified squamous keratinized ET
Identify the tissue.
smooth muscle
Identify the tissue.
nervous tissue
Identify the tissue.
pseudostratified ciliated columnar ET (PCCE)
Identify the tissue.
simple cuboidal ET
Identify the tissue.
stratified squamous, nonkeratinized ET
Identify the tissue.
elastic tissue
Identify the tissue.
skeletal muscle
Identify the tissue.
cardiac muscle
Identify the tissue.
hyaline cartilage
Identify the tissue.
adipose tissue
Identify the tissue.
transitional ET
Identify the tissue.
stratified squamous, keratinized ET
Identify the tissue.
Identify the tissue.
areolar tissue
Identify the tissue.
simple columnar ET
Identify the tissue.
stratified columnar ET
Identify the tissue.
dense irregular CT
Identify the tissue.
mucoid tissue
Identify the tissue.
elastic cartilage
The lines are pointing to the nucleus of what cell?
The arrows are pointing to the nucleus of what cell?
The arrows are pointing to the nucleus of what cell?
The arrow is pointing to what cell?
red blood cell
Identify the fiber.
collagen fiber
Identify the fiber.
elastic fiber
Identify the fiber.
reticular fiber
Identify the tissue.
dense regular CT
Identify the tissue.
stratified cuboidal ET
Identify the tissue.
Identify the tissue.
Identify the tissue.
simple squamous ET
Identify the tissue.
reticular tissue
Identify the tissue.
The arrows are pointing to the nucleus of what cell?
The epithelial tissue that lines the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels is referred to as ______.
The epithelial tissue of serous membranes is ______.
What surface of the epithelial cell is depicted?
basal surface
What surface of the epithelial cell is depicted?
apical surface
moist barrier that protects surfaces lining organs inside the body from abrasion,chemical attack, and pathogens
function of stratified squamous nonkeratinized ET
permits expansion and recoil after stretching
function of transitional ET
protection of internal organs, body support, attachment of skeletal muscles, calcium storage
function of bone
provides firm attachment of structures, stabilizes position of joints, conducts pull of muscles
function of dense regular CT
protection, secretion, and movement of mucus with cilia
function of PCCE
reduces friction, controls permeability of vessels, absorption and secretion
function of simple squamous ET
function of simple cuboidal and simple columnar ET
secretion and absorption
function of stratified columnar ET
protection, secretion, and absorption
function of stratified cuboidal ET
provides supporting framework
function of reticular tissue
energy storage, cushioning and padding, insulation against heat loss
function of adipose tissue
loose support, cushions organs, phagocytic cells protect
function of areolar tissue
prevents over expansion of organs, provides strength to resist forces applied from multiple directions
function of dense irregular CT
prevents over expansion of organs, stabilizes and positions of vertebrae and penis
function of elastic tissue
transport cells involved in gas exchange, defense against infection, and blood clotting, transport of gases, nutrients, etc
function of blood
stiff, but flexible support, reduces friction between bony surfaces
function of hyaline cartilage
support, but tolerates distortion and returns to original shape
function of elastic cartilage
resists compression, limits movement, prevents bone to bone contact
function of fibrocartilage
pumping blood from the heart
function of cardiac muscle
movement of bones
function of skeletal muscle
movement of blood through blood vessels and substances through GI, urinary, and reproductive tracts
function of smooth muscle
Identify the structure
intercalated disc
location of simple squamous ET
lines alveoli
lines glands, ducts, portions of the kidney tubules, and the thyroid follicles
location of simple cuboidal ET
lines the urinary bladder and ureters
location of transitional ET
____ ET lines large ducts (rare), such as sweat glands.
Stratified cuboidal
____ ET lines the trachea, bronchi, and nasal cavity.
Pseudo stratified ciliated columnar
____ ET lines the surface of the skin.
Stratified squamous, keratinized
____ ET lines the stomach and intestines.
Simple columnar
Stratified squamous, nonkeratinized____
ET lines the surface of the tongue, esophagus, anus, vagina, mouth, and throat.
lines the ducts of salivary glands and urethra.
location of stratified columnar ET
covering articulating surfaces of synovial joints, supports the trachea and larynx
location of hyaline cartilage
hypodermis and surrounding the eye and kidneys
location of adipose tissue
stroma of spleen, liver, bone marrow, and lymph nodes
location of reticular tissue
external ear and epiglottis
location of elastic cartilage
between the pubic bones and within intervertebral discs
location of fibrocartilage
location of bone
found within blood vessels
location of blood
ligaments and tendons
location of dense regular CT
reticular dermis of the skin, periosteum and perichondrium
location of dense irregular CT
___ tissue is found between vertebrae of spinal column, supporting ligaments of penis and transitional ET, and blood vessel walls.dendrite
Name the tissue and state if it is involuntary or voluntary.
skeletal muscle; voluntary
Name the tissue and state if it is involuntary or voluntary.
smooth muscle; involuntary
Name the tissue and state if it is involuntary or voluntary.
cardiac muscle; involuntary
detects changes inside and outside the body and initiates and transmits nerve impulses that coordinate body activities to help maintain homeostasis
function of nervous tissue
The arrow is pointing to the nucleus of a(n) _____.
glial cell
Identify the component of compact bone.
central canal
Identify A
osteon or Haversian system
Identify B
concentric lamellae
Identify C
Identify D
Identify the component of compact bone labeled 20
Identify the component of compact bone labeled 21