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United States Health & Disease – Sociology

In this chapter we discuss United States Health & Disease – Sociology

According to Cohen (2014) ____________ was the common family form in 1960, while today it is _____________.

married parents, father working; mother never married

married parents, father working; cohabiting parents – correct

married parents, father working; married parents, both working

married parents, father working; with grandparents only

Which of the following factors is most significant in shaping group health?

social and ecological

health behaviors – correct

quality medical care

genes and biology

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is categorized a a new  ________________________?

infectious disease – correct

eradicated infectious disease

degenerative disease

answers a and c

According to research in Patterson’s (2016) literature review, compared to heterosexual couples, same sex couples:

are more likely to raise gay children

are more likely to be connected to extended family

have higher divorce rates – correct

are lower income

Which of the following crimes has the most financial impact in the United States?

white collar crimes – correct

street crimes

violent crimes


Which term best describes what happens when other people label a person and that label effects his or her actions?



primary deviance

secondary deviance – correct

Which of the following is one of the reforms listed for police brutality and corruption by Weitzer (2004)?

matching the racial composition of a police department to that of a city – correct

community policing

assigning officers to permanent beats to increase their knowledge of neighborhood problems

meaningful sanctions – that come from outside of police departments for officers who abuse their authority

All of the Above

A crime such as prostitution is known as what type of deviance in Alameda, California?

formal deviance

informal deviance – correct

secondary deviance

unofficial deviance

The idea that deviants hold society together best reflects the following sociological paradigm?



functionalism – correct

conflict theory

symbolic interactionism

Epstein (2004) documents the following about the health of urban residents in the U.S.?

they have higher rates of asthma

they are more prone to diabetes

they have lower life expectancy

all of the above – correct

The experience of youth in the 2002 episode of “The Twilight Zone” titled “Evergreen” best reflects:

the notion of secondary deviance as evident in the outcome of the main character

Durkheim’s notion that deviants hold society together

Besen-Cassino’s argument that suburbs are wastelands for youth – correct

All of the Above

Data from the most recent Global Burden of Disease report reveals that:

the world has grown older

a dramatic drop in childhood mortality

a shift away from infectious to chronic disease, mental health conditions, and injuries – correct

All of the Above

What is responsible for the accelerated aging of people of color in U.S. urban neighborhoods on the East Coast?

a virus called Ebola

a virus called H1N1

oxidative stress and accelerated aging – correct

contaminated water

Current (2019) life expectancy in the U.S. is:

87.87 Year

78.87 Years – correct



While the demographic transition theory forwards that _____, the second demographic transition theory focuses on ____.

over time people have more children and live longer; people die from new infectious diseases

over time people have fewer children and live longer; below replacement fertility

over time people have fewer children and live longer; people die from new infectious diseases and fertility is below replacement level – correct

over time people have more children and live longer; below replacement fertility

We recently viewed the episode titled, “Don’t Ask, Please Don’t Tell” from ABC’s “Blackish.” What does the show suggest about same-sex marriage? If you were asked to write a paragraph long sociological review of the episode and its presentation of lesbian and gay families in 2019, what would your assessment be?

The episode “Don’t Ask, Please Don’t Tell”, brought up the fact that the family knew Rhonda was a lesbian but no one wanted to acknowledge it, specifically her mom. They also didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that Charlies brother was married to a man. 

If I had to write a sociological review paper on the episode and its presentation of gay families in 2019, my assessment would be that it’s not abnormal to see anymore. According to

Sexual Orientation, Parents, & Children”, there’s been an increase of lesbian and gay parents. We as a society are much more open and excepting. We’re more away of calling someone a man or women as there are more names people would rather be associated with, such as they or them

Detail one issue of health inequality that you read or viewed in the readings. What is being done on a social level to improve this disparity?

One issue of health inequality I viewed was video in Africa where they didn’t have a toilet so they had to dig holes, and their water was contaminated so if they drank it they could get really sick. Some things that are being done to help Building water pumps to filter out all the bad toxins. There is also a rock band that sings about sanitation and washing your hands so you don’t get sick. Africa has always struggles with diseases and hunger. There were two presidents from other countries who wanted to test COVID-19 shots in Africa because they wouldn’t have a cure either way.
