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Trade Patent & Intellectual Property – Business Law

These chapters include business contracts, law, trade patent and intellectual property.

A ______ is any form of knowledge or information that has economic value from not being generally known to others or readily ascertainable by proper means and has been the subject of reasonable efforts by the owner to maintain secrecy.

Trade Secret – Correct

injunction – Correct

To violate another’s trade secret rights, one must ______.

misappropriate the information – Correct

Which of the following is most likely to be the first step taken by a business to protect its trade secrets?

identify confidential knowledge-based resources by conducting a trade secret audit – Correct

Misappropriation of a trade secret occurs when ______.

a person improperly acquires secret information through burglary, espionage, or computer hacking – Correct

Which of the following statements is true of trade secrets?

Establishment of the existence of trade secrets is a critical step in the control of valuable knowledge resources – Correct

Which of the following statements is true of misappropriation?

If one acquires a secret from another who has a duty to maintain secrecy and one knows of that duty, misappropriation has occurred – Correct

Which of the following statements is true of the Economic Espionage Act (EEA)?

One of the provisions of the EEA makes one liable for misappropriation to benefit a foreign government – Correct

Which of the following statements is true of patents?

Many of the basic principles of modern patent law are sourced from the Venetian Patent Act of 1474 – Correct

Which of the following statements is true of design patents?

The duration of a design patent is 14 years from the date of issue – Correct

In the context of utility patents, which of the following terms refers to the details about the subject matter that an inventor regards as the invention?

claims – Correct

In the context of patentable subject matter, which of the following refers to doing something through a series of operations?

process – Correct

A(n) _____ patent applies to useful, functional inventions.

utility – Correct

The Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) assigns a ______ to consider a patent application.

patent examiner – Correct

In the context of patentable subject matter, which of the following characteristics about an invention indicates that something is new and different from the prior art

Novelty – Correct

Which of the following types of intellectual property can be assigned to the invention of a plant that can be reproduced asexually?

Patent – Correct

Hillward Bakers Inc. has been using a logo with the letters “HB” in blue color and a baker’s hat above these letters since its inception ten years ago. This logo has since been connected with Hillward Bakery by its customers. Hobert Bakers Inc., a newly opened bakery and confectionary chain, uses the same logo. Hillward has not registered its logo, but chooses to sue Hobert. Which of the following is true of this case?

Hillward can sue Hobert since the logo has been used by Hillward and is associated with it – Correct

Which of the following is true of a trademark?

Owners can sue for infringement and claim rights on a trademark even if they have not registered it – Correct

Which of the following is a function of a trademark?

distinctiveness – Correct

The Nike “swoosh” and McDonald’s golden arches are examples of which type of

trademark – Correct

Which of the following is an instance of trademark infringement?

an accidental design of one’s own mark too similarly to another’s – Correct

Radford School is certified by the United Federation of Planets Academy of Business and Managements Schools. The icon of the school used on its website has the words “Member of UFPABMS.” This icon is a ______.

collective mark – Correct

Which of the following is actually intended to be used by someone other than the owner?

certification marks – Correct

A school’s seal and logo are examples of which type of intellectual property?

service marks – Correct

Which of the following statements is true of intellectual property?

The basic economic system of intellectual property is grounded in the idea of incentives – Correct

Which of the following is true of trade dress

It is protected by the law from being copied as long as it is distinctive – Correct

refers to a colored design or shape associated with a product or service.

Trade dress – Correct

When you purchase an item from Globus Corp., they place the item in a paper bag with handles and vertical yellow, blue, and white stripes. Even without seeing the words “Globus Corp.” on the bag, many people recognize that the purchase is from Globus. The bag’s coloring and design is considered its ______.

trade dress – Correct

______ refers to a public meaning that is different from its meaning as a person’s name or as a distinctive term, a public meaning that makes the name or term distinctive.

secondary meaning – Correct

As part of the trademark application process, the Patent and Trademark Office places a proposed mark in the ______, which gives existing mark owners notice and allows for objection

Official Gazette – Correct

For a name to be trademarked, ______.

it must be listed on the Supplemental Register for five years and have acquired a secondary meaning – Correct

Which of the following is a defense to a charge of trademark infringement?

The use is a “fair use.” – Correct

Civil violation of a trademark or a patent

infringement – Correct

A trademark becomes ______ when, through the owner’s actions or another’s inappropriate use, the mark becomes synonymous in the consumers’ mind with the name of the goods or services.


According to the Lanham Act of 1946, which of the following is a mark representing membership in a certain organization or association

collective mark – Correct

The fair use of a registered trademark defense was established in the ______.

Lanham Act – Correct

Which of the following protects a “famous” trademark, even if the owner is unable to prove that the public is confused by another’s use of a similar mark, and provides the owner with the infringer’s profits and actual damages?

The Federal Trademark Dilution Act – Correct

Which of the following is true of copyright law?

It protects original, creative expression – Correct

The payment of a fee in connection with permission to use protected copyrighted works

royalty – Correct

A ___ is any form of knowledge or info that has economic value from not being generally known to

Trade Secret – Correct

True of violation of trade secrets’ rights

One must misappropriate another’s information – Correct

First step in protecting trade secrets

A business MUST identify confidential knowledge-based resources – Correct

Misappropriation of a trade secret occurs when

a person legitimately acquires the trade secret – Correct

 ___ is on order by a judge either to do something or to refrain from doing something

An Injuction – Correct

A ___ patent applies to useful, functional inventions

Utility – Correct

Whom does the PTO assign to consider a patent application

Patent Examiner – Correct

A patent application must, address each of the following EXCEPT

it must SHOW a reasonable business plan – Correct

The following types of intellectual property…be reproduced asexually

Patent – Correct

Proving that a patent is invalid bc it was in commercial use…

By clear and convincing evidence – Correct

 ___ refers to the ability of an invention to produce surpising

Nonobviousness – Correct

following defenses can be alleged infringer use to prove that the patent is invalid

The invention is obvious – Correct

The “one-year rule” applies to

Patent – Correct

True in cases a patent expires

It is in the public domain and others may use it without limitations – Correct

When a patent expires, the invention is said to be in the ___

Public Domain – Correct

Hillward Bakers

Hillward CAN sue Hobert since the logo has be used – Correct

True of trademarks

Owners can sue for infringement, and claim rights on a trademark even if they have not registered it – Correct

A function of a trademark

Distinctiveness – Correct

The Nike “swoosh” is

Trademark – Correct

Unauthorized use of a registered trademark is known as

Infringement – Correct

Radord School

collective mark – Correct

Is actually intended to be used by someone other than the owner

certification marks – Correct

A school’s seal and logo are examples of

Service Marks – Correct

True of trade dress

The law protects it from being copied as long as it is distinctive – Correct

What is a colored design or shape associated with a product or service called

Trade Dress – Correct

When you purchase an item from Victoria’s Secret

Trade Dress – Correct

As part of the trademark application process,

Official Gazette – Correct

A ___ refers to a public meaning that is different from its meaning as person’s name

Secondary Meaning – Correct

For a name to be trademarked

It must be listed on the secondary register for 5 years & have acquired a secondary meaning – Correct

The following is a defense to a charge of trademark infringemetn

The mark is not distinctive – Correct

Civil violation of a trademark or a patent is termed

Infringement – Correct

When the public is confused as to whether a term refers to a particular product/service…

Generic – Correct

The Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999

Famous – Correct

The fair use of a registered trademark defense was established in the

Lanham Act – Correct

The following acts protect a “famous” trademark

Trademark Dilution Act – Correct

True of copyright

It protect original, creative expression – Correct

The Berne Convention addressed international agreements in the area of

Copyrights – Correct

The payment of a fee in connection with permission to use protected copyright works is called a

Royalty – Correct

Incorrect statement regarding copyrights

The work may be an intangible original idea – Correct

Not an allowable “fair use” of material

Profits – Correct

In determining whether a particular use is a fair one, a court will consider

The amount and substantiality – Correct

A copyright protects

Authors – Correct

___ is a form of expression that criticizes by poking fun at something through exaggeration

Parody – Correct

True of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act

It prevents circumvention of access protections for such products – Correct

Possible civil remedies for violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act can include

Actual damages and injunction – Correct

True of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977

It is designed to stop bribery – Correct

Intermediaries under the FCPA are

prohibited from making payments – Correct

The term ‘knowing’ refers to

Conscious disregard – Correct

Not a permissible payment for routine government action

Travel expenses – Correct

___ is used in the context of international law as the seizure

Expropriation – Correct

When a government assumes ownership of a confiscated property

nationalization – Correct

Risk involved with regard to the sale of US strategic products and technology abroad

Export Controls – Correct

The Wassanaar Arrangement was entered into by 33 countries in order to control

the spread of military – Correct

In the US the counterpart of expropriation is called

Eminent Domain – Correct

Generally, international law is classified as

Public international law – Correct

Statement is true of sources of international law

Public international law uses rules that are binding – Correct

the international court of justice is also called the

World Court – Correct

True of the international court of justice

Only countries that have submitted to the Court’s jurisdiction may be parties – Correct

The international court of justice

hears cases of counties – Correct

Infractions of international law are most frequently settled by

Diplomacy – Correct

The Charter of the UN sets forth as its primary goal

Providing individual measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace – Correct

The World Trade Organization was created as a result of the

Uruguay Round – Correct

the ___ encourages international trade by maintaining stable foreign exchange rates

International Monetary Fund – Correct

in 1994 the Uruguay Round

Equalization of import quotas – Correct

True of the Commission of the European Union

It consists of individuals – Correct

____ decides the nature and parameters of EU law

The Court of Justice – Correct

True of the Convention of the International Sale of Goods

It outlines standard international practices for the sale of goods – Correct

With respect to the sale goods, the following is true as per the CISG

Contracts for the sale of goods need not be in writing – Correct

Major institution of the European Union

The Council of Ministers – Correct

___ opened many opportunities for Costa Rica, El Salvador

Central America – Correct

Between US, Mexico, and Canada

North America – Correct

Transactions using ___ involve, in addition to a seller and buyer

An irrevocable letter of credit – Correct

When a buyer receives a receipt from a carrier stating that the goods ordered have been shipped

A bill of Lading – Correct

Contract can be adopted in case of a domestic firm granting a foreign firm the means to produce and sell its products

Franchise Contract – Correct

True of licensing arrangements

Licensing agreements must follow the local laws where they operate – Correct

Grimmy Fast Food

Franchise – Correct

A reason a firm may enter a licensing agreement

Licensing allows firms to enter a foreign market without direct foreign investments – Correct

True of foreign subsidiary

A foreign subsidiary allows the parent – Correct

In many cases, the only legal or political means a firm has to invest directly

A joint Venture – Correct

True of a joint venture

It takes place when a company invests – Correct

the ___ grants jurisdiction to the US federal district courts over “any civil action by an alien for a tort only”

Alien Tort Claims Act – Correct

Under the doctrine of sovereign immunity, the foreign sovereign claims to be immune from suit entirely based on

Its status as a state – Correct

The World Intellectual Property Organizations Arbitrations and Mediation Center hears cases involving

domain name and cybersquatting – Correct

The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act codified which of the following

Foreign governments cannot be sues for most causes of action – Correct

The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act ___

Rejects immunity for commercial acts carried on in the US – Correct

To sue a foreign firm in the US the plaintiff must

comply with the terms of the Hague – Correct

True concerning the arbitration of international disputes

Arbitration can be compelled – Correct
