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During the _________ trimester, amniocentesis may be used to determine fetal lung maturity or to evaluate fetal hemolytic disease that is often caused by Rh incompatibility.
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Fetal Lung – Test 12

The key terms of Test 12 include, Fetal Lung.

During the _________ trimester, amniocentesis may be used to determine fetal lung maturity or to evaluate fetal hemolytic disease that is often caused by Rh incompatibility.


Fetal monitoring

Reactive (reassuring): At least ———- FHR accelerations, with or without fetal movement, occurring within any ———-minute period and peaking at least ———- beats per minute (bpm) above the baseline and lasting ——— seconds from baseline to baseline

2, 20, 15

No late or significant variable decelerations.

Reassuring CST

Maternal-fetal blood flower by measuring velocity at which RBCs travel in uterine and fetal vessels
Reflects sound waves from a moving target
Fetal intrauterine growth restriction and poor placental perfusion

Doppler ultrasound

Consists of a woman lightly brushing her palm across her nipple for 2 min, which causes the pituitary gland to release endogenous oxytocin, and then stopping the nipple stimulation when a contraction begins. The same process is repeated after a 5-min rest period.

Nipple-stimulated contraction test

A CST, or ———- ———– ———– (OCT) may be done if NST findings are nonreactive, although the next step is usually an ultrasound examination for a BPP.

Oxytocin challenge test (OCT)

Pregnant women should be offered MSAFP screening, ideally between ———— and ———— weeks of gestation

16, 18

A technique of prenatal diagnosis in which amniotic fluid, obtained by aspiration from a needle inserted into the uterus, is analyzed to detect certain genetic and congenital defects in the fetus.


During the —————– trimester, amniocentesis may be used to determine fetal lung maturity or to evaluate fetal hemolytic disease that is often caused by Rh incompatibility.


Fetal monitoring

Reactive (reassuring): At least ———- FHR accelerations, with or without fetal movement, occurring within any ———-minute period and peaking at least ———- beats per minute (bpm) above the baseline and lasting ——— seconds from baseline to baseline

2, 20, 15

No late or significant variable decelerations.

Reassuring CST

Maternal-fetal blood flower by measuring velocity at which RBCs travel in uterine and fetal vessels
Reflects sound waves from a moving target
Fetal intrauterine growth restriction and poor placental perfusion

Doppler ultrasound

Consists of a woman lightly brushing her palm across her nipple for 2 min, which causes the pituitary gland to release endogenous oxytocin, and then stopping the nipple stimulation when a contraction begins. The same process is repeated after a 5-min rest period.

Nipple-stimulated contraction test

During the _________ trimester, amniocentesis may be used to determine fetal lung maturity or to evaluate fetal hemolytic disease that is often caused by Rh incompatibility.


Fetal monitoring

Reactive (reassuring): At least ———- FHR accelerations, with or without fetal movement, occurring within any ———-minute period and peaking at least ———- beats per minute (bpm) above the baseline and lasting ——— seconds from baseline to baseline

2, 20, 15

No late or significant variable decelerations.

Reassuring CST

Maternal-fetal blood flower by measuring velocity at which RBCs travel in uterine and fetal vessels
Reflects sound waves from a moving target
Fetal intrauterine growth restriction and poor placental perfusion

Doppler ultrasound
