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Sound Waves - Test 11
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Sound Waves – Test 11

The key terms of Test 11 include, Sound Waves.

High frequency sound waves to visualize internal organs and tissues by producing real-time 3D image of the fetus and maternal structures. Early diagnosis of complications, earlier interventions


CVS can be performed as early as ———– weeks of gestation to provide parents with information about many chromosomal defects in the first trimester of pregnancy.


The NST identifies whether an increase in the ———- occurs when the fetus moves, indicating adequate ————-

FHR, oxygenation

The AFP concentration ——————- with advancing gestational age of the fetus


Amniocentesis is usually performed in the second trimester to identify fetal genetic anomalies and open defects such as ——— ———— ————.

Neural tube defects

Blood test that takes levels of AFP, hCG, estriol, and inhibin A, combined with other factors to produce a probability of a fetus having an abnormality such as Downs or spinabifida, etc. It’s only a probability not a diagnosis.

Multiple marker screening

Assessment of part of developing placenta (chorionic villi) which is aspirated through a thin sterile catheter or syringe inserted through the abdominal wall or intravaginally through the cervix under ultrasound guidance

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

Multiple Marker Screening
Maternal serum samples are taken between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation, and the results are considered positive if MSAFP and estriol are ————– and if hCG is —————-

Low, high

High frequency sound waves to visualize internal organs and tissues by producing real-time 3D image of the fetus and maternal structures. Early diagnosis of complications, earlier interventions


CVS can be performed as early as ———– weeks of gestation to provide parents with information about many chromosomal defects in the first trimester of pregnancy.


The NST identifies whether an increase in the ———- occurs when the fetus moves, indicating adequate ————-

FHR, oxygenation

The AFP concentration ——————- with advancing gestational age of the fetus


Amniocentesis is usually performed in the second trimester to identify fetal genetic anomalies and open defects such as ——— ———— ————.

Neural tube defects
