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Nursing Education & Research Improvement

This lesson covers Nursing Education & Research Improvement.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)

Patient -Centered Care • Teamwork and Collaboration • Evidence-Based Practice • Quality Improvement • Safety • Informatics

Quality and Performance Improvement

Every health care organization gathers data on health outcome measures as a way to gauge their quality of care. • Quality Improvement – Medication delivery – Fall management • Performance Management – Ulcers – VAP – Hospital acquired infections

Evidence – Based Practice (EBP

A problem solving approach to clinical practice
• Integrates the best evidence, clinical expertise, and values in decision making

Step of Evidence-Based Practice

1. Ask a clinical question 2. Collect the most relevant and best evidence 3. Critically evaluate the evidence you collected 4. Integrate all evidence with ones clinical expertise and client preference and values in making a practice decision or change. 5. Evaluate the practice decision or change

Ask a clinical question

Problem on interest – Time consuming – Costly

PICO Question

– P= patient population of interest – I= intervention of interest – C= comparison of interest – O= outcome

Collect the Best Evidence

– Research journals • AHRQ • CINAL MEDLINE • National Guideline Clearinghouse – Nursing journals • AJN • AACN – Peer-reviewed journal

Evaluation of the Evidence

– Analyzing the data – Determine the value and feasibility in making practice change – Evaluate scientific merit and clinical applicabilty – Careful review of the article

Integrate the Evidence

– Evidence is strong and appropriate for practice change – Incorporate the research in the plan of care for the client – Meet with policy and procedure makers – Pilot study


Does the intervention work? – Is it effective – Track effectiveness in intervals 3-6-12 months

Nursing Research

Nursing research provides a way for nursing questions and problems to be studied in broader context. • Identify new knowledge • Improve professional education and practice • Use resources effectively

Outcomes Management Research

Designed to assess and document the effectiveness of health care services and interventions • A response of the health care industry to demands from policy makers, insurers, and public – Examples: Central line infections, fall’s, HAI’s

Research Process

Study with human subjects – Institutional review board (IRB)
• Informed consent – Full disclosure of purpose – Full understanding – Free choice
• Confidentiality – Guarantees information provided will no identify the subject or give information to people outside the research team
• Anonymity – Cannot link subject to data


is defined as a protection promotion and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2010b)

Nursing Historical Events

1860 Florence Nightingale notes on nursing • Established first nursing philosophy based on health maintenance and restoration • Developed the first program for training nurses • Use EBP in her practice

Modern influences in Nursing

Early 20th century nurses expanded and advanced practice roles were established – In the early 1950s specialty nursing organizations formed – Social influence • Health care reform • Women health care • Human rights • Threat of bioterrorism • Nursing Shortage

Consumer influence

Culture diversity • Healthy – Safety • National patient safety goals – Health promotion and wellness • Exercise • Nutrition

Nursing as a Profession

A profession requires an extended education of its members • A profession has a theoretical body of knowledge leading to define skills abilities and norms • A profession provides a specific service • Members of a profession have autonomy in decision-making and practice • The profession as a whole has a code of ethics and practice

Scope and Standards of Practice

Standard of Practice
• Standards of professional performance
• Code of Ethics

ANA Standard of Nursing Practic

1. Assessment 2. Diagnosis 3. Outcomes identifications 4. Planning 5. Implementation 6. Evaluation

ANA Standard of Professional Performance

1. Quality of practice 2. Education 3. Professional practice evaluation 4. Collegiality 5. Collaboration 6. Ethics 7. Research 8. Resource utilization 9. Leadership

Responsibilities and Roles of a Nurse

Autonomy and Accountability • Caregiver • Advocate • Educator • Communicator • Manager • Career development

Nursing Education

RN program – AD -2 year program – BSN- 4 year program – MSN • Educator • Administrator • Advance practice Nurse (NP, CNS, Mid-wife) – DSN/DNP

Licensure: NCLEX-RN

National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses – Given by each State Board of Nursing – The same in every state – Provides a standardized minimum knowledge base for nurses


In a specific area of practice – Minimum requirements are set based on the certification – Maintain by ongoing CEU

Continuing education

Formal educational programs – Update knowledge on latest research and practices – Teaches new skills

In-Service education

Instructional or training program

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Expert clinician in specialized area – Educators, consultants and researchers

Nurse Practitioner

Care for clients in an ambulatory setting – Acute care, family, pediatric, women, and geriatric

Certified Nurse-Midwife

Care of women during pregnancy, labor and delivery – Care of new born, GYN services, family planning

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Provide surgical anesthesia under the guidance and supervision of an anesthesiologist


Works in schools, staff development, and education departments – Doctorate or advanced degrees in nursing, education, or administration


Assistant nurse manager, manager, director, Chief nurse executive. – Holds a masters degree in business, hospital administration or public health


Investigate problems to improve nursing care – Academic setting, hospitals – Masters or doctoral degree

Nursing Organizations

American Association of College Nurses (AACN) • National League of Nurses • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. ( formally NLNAC) • American Nurses Association(ANA) • National Student Nurses Association