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Planning and Conducting Meetings Quiz 2Elements of Group Communication

The key terms in this Communication course include Planning and Conducting Meetings, a group meeting, input and interaction, important and difficult issues, Quiz 2, Elements of Group Communication, interaction is critical.

Which of the following reasons is sound justification for scheduling or attending a group meeting?

Group input and interaction is critical.

You hate to write reports and memos.

You feel lost without colleagues.

You prefer not to do the research yourself.

Correct. A meeting is necessary if group input and interaction is critical. 

When members are late to a meeting, the chairperson should

let latecomers sit without participating until they have observed enough to be able to contribute.

wait to start until all members have arrived.

publicly reprimand latecomers.

review what has been accomplished whenever a latecomer arrives.

Correct. Start the meeting at the scheduled time and let latecomers sit without participating until they have observed enough to contribute to the discussion. 

_______________ is the outline of items to be discussed and the tasks to be accomplished at a meeting.

Meeting minutes

A report

A call to order

An agenda

Correct. An agenda is an outline of the items for discussion at a meeting. 

According to the guidelines presented in the textbook, when is the best time to address important and difficult issues?

At the beginning of the meeting

During the middle portion of the meeting

At the end of the meeting

These issues do not need to be placed on the agenda.

Correct. Reserve important and difficult items for the middle portion of the meeting. 

According to the textbook, which of the following elements best defines a group meeting?

Size; frequency; setting

Schedule; structure; chairperson

Structure; setting; chairperson

Schedule; agenda; structure

Correct. A meeting is a scheduled gathering of group members for a structured discussion guided by a chairperson. 

Which of the following reasons is sound justification for scheduling or attending a group meeting?

Group input and interaction is critical.

You hate to write reports and memos.

You feel lost without colleagues.

You prefer not to do the research yourself.

Correct. A meeting is necessary if group input and interaction is critical. 

When members are late to a meeting, the chairperson should

let latecomers sit without participating until they have observed enough to be able to contribute.

wait to start until all members have arrived.

publicly reprimand latecomers.

review what has been accomplished whenever a latecomer arrives.

Correct. Start the meeting at the scheduled time and let latecomers sit without participating until they have observed enough to contribute to the discussion. 

_______________ is the outline of items to be discussed and the tasks to be accomplished at a meeting.

Meeting minutes

A report

A call to order

An agenda

Correct. An agenda is an outline of the items for discussion at a meeting. 

According to the guidelines presented in the textbook, when is the best time to address important and difficult issues?

At the beginning of the meeting

During the middle portion of the meeting

At the end of the meeting

These issues do not need to be placed on the agenda.

Correct. Reserve important and difficult items for the middle portion of the meeting. 

According to the textbook, which of the following elements best defines a group meeting?

Size; frequency; setting

Schedule; structure; chairperson

Structure; setting; chairperson

Schedule; agenda; structure

Correct. A meeting is a scheduled gathering of group members for a structured discussion guided by a chairperson.