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Continental Margin & Ocean  – Earth Science Test
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Diver, Red, Continental Margin, Oceanic Ridge, Ocean Trench – Earth Science

The key terms included in this Earth Sciences course include Diver, Red, Continental Margin, Oceanic Ridge, Ocean Trench, Deep, Sublittoral, Deep Ocean, Zone, Ocean, Density, Wind, Sonar, Satellite Imagery, Salt, Ocean Basin Floor

Two divers are swimming in clear ocean water at a depth of 150 m. The first diver is wearing a white wetsuit. When the second diver sees the first diver at that depth, which of the following colors would he see?

  • violet
  • blue – correct
  • orange
  • red

The Salinas River empties into the Pacific Ocean and cuts into the continental shelf, thereby forming which of the following features?

  • submarine canyon – correct
  • continental margin
  • guyot
  • oceanic ridge

When the earth, moon, and sun are in a line, the moon’s gravity and the sun’s gravity work together.

Which tide is experienced when this happens?

  • neap tide
  • spring tide – correct
  • low tide
  • high tide

Which of the following is a region with steep undersea mountains and deep valleys?

  • ocean trench
  • ocean basin floor
  • continental margin
  • ocean ridge – correct

In which environment would you find dolphins?

  • sublittoral
  • pelagic – correct
  • rocky shore
  • abyssal

Glue secreted by seaweed or barnacles is an adaption to which of the following environments?

  • shallow oceanic
  • rocky intertidal – correct
  • sublittoral
  • deep ocean

A cold-tolerant and salt-tolerant type of crab would likely be found in which part of the ocean?

  • polar zone
  • surface-mixed zone
  • deep zone – correct
  • transition zone

A halocline is a boundary between changing regions of which of the following properties?

  • salinity – correct
  • density
  • sound velocity
  • temperature

Which of the following currents has a great impact on reshaping the shoreline?

  • tidal current
  • longshore current – correct
  • flood current
  • ebb current

Continental Margin & Ocean

Which of the following is responsible for deep ocean circulation?

  • density differences – correct
  • friction
  • wind
  • Coriolis force

Which of the following technologies is useful for locating schools of commercial fish?

  • sonar and satellite imagery – correct
  • computer modeling
  • magnetic resonance imaging
  • water sampling

You would probably use seismic, sonar, and satellite technologies to locate which of the following resources?

  • salt
  • sand
  • natural gas – correct
  • manganese
