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Implementation Project – Information Technology Hw

The key terms of Information Technology Homework include, System, Information, Implementation, Project, Phase, Requirements, Computer, Software, Code.

User documentation –

highlights how to use the system

Online training –

runs over the Internet or off a CD-ROM

Workshop training –

is held in a classroom environment and lead by an instructor

Parallel implementation

– use both the old and new system simultaneously

Plunge implementation

– discard the old system completely and use the new

Pilot implementation

– start with small groups of people on the new system and gradually add more users

Phased implementation

– implement the new system in phases

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

coding system that personal computers use


most frequently input devices for notebooks and desktops to enter information and commands


most frequently used input devices for PDAs and tablet PCs to enter information and commands

Pointing Device –

used to input commands


dark rectangle you use to move the cursor with your finger

Pointing stick

a little rod, used mostly on notebooks


used to convert information that exists in visible form into electronic form

Image scanner –

captures images, photos, text, and artwork

Bar code scanner –

reads information in the form of vertical bars

Biometric scanner –

scans a human physical attribute, like a fingerprint or iris, for security purposes

Viewable image size (VIS) –

the size of the image on a monitor

Resolution of a screen –

the number of pixels it has

Pixels (picture elements) –

the dots that make up the image

Dot pitch –

the distance between the centers of two like-colored pixels

Megabyte (MB or M or Meg) –

– about 1 million bytes

Gigabyte (GB or Gig)

about 1 billion bytes

Terabyte (TB)

about 1 trillion bytes

Hard disk –

magnetic storage with one or more thin metal platters sealed inside the drive

Insourcing –

IT specialists inside your organization

Selfsourcing –

do-it-yourself approach many end users take with little or no help from IT specialists

Outsourcing –

a third-party organization (i.e., let someone do the work and pay them for it)

Systems development life cycle (SDLC) –

a structured step-by-step approach for developing information systems

Also called a waterfall

methodology, an approach in which each phase of the SDLC is followed by another, from planning through implementation

Planning phase

– create a solid plan for developing your information system

Project scope –

clearly defines the high-level system requirements

Scope creep –

occurs when the scope of the project increases

Feature creep –

occurs when developers add extra features that were not part of the initial requirements

Project scope document –

a written definition of the project scope and is usually no longer than a paragraph

Project plan –

defines the what, when, and who questions of system development

Project manager

– an individual who is an expert in project planning and management, defines and develops the project plan and tracks the plan to ensure all key project milestones are completed on time

Project milestones

– represent key dates for which you need a certain group of activities performed

Analysis phase –

involves end users and IT specialists working together to gather, understand, and document the business requirements for the proposed system

Business requirements

– the detailed set of knowledge worker requests that the system must meet in order to be successful

Requirements definition document –

prioritizes the business requirements and places them in a formal comprehensive document

Design phase –

build a technical blueprint of how the proposed system will work

Development phase –

take all of your detailed design documents from the design phase and transform them into an actual system

Testing phase

– verifies that the system works and meets all of the business requirements defined in the analysis phase

Test conditions

the detailed steps the system must perform along with the expected results of each step

Unit testing –

tests individual units of code

System testing –

verifies that the units of code function correctly when integrated

Integration testing –

verifies that separate systems work together

User acceptance testing (UAT) –

determines if the system satisfies the business requirements

Implementation phase –

distribute the system to all of the knowledge workers and they begin using the system to perform their everyday jobs

User documentation –

highlights how to use the system

Online training –

runs over the Internet or off a CD-ROM

Workshop training –

is held in a classroom environment and lead by an instructor

Parallel implementation

– use both the old and new system simultaneously

Plunge implementation

– discard the old system completely and use the new

Pilot implementation

– start with small groups of people on the new system and gradually add more users

Phased implementation

– implement the new system in phases
