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Earth Sun & Stars studies Astronomy

This Chapter covers Earth Sun & Stars studies Astronomy

The North Pole is in daytime for several weeks at a time, with no time


The capture theory explains that the Moon sometimes appears red because of its attraction to rocky particles in space.


During an equinox, the number of daylight hours and nighttime hours are nearly equal all over the world.


Why does summer recieve more daylight hours than winter?

The hemisphere of the Earth is tilted more toward the Sun.

Which of the following definitions BEST defines a satellite?

Any object that revolves around another object.

Which of the following items is shaped MOST LIKE the moon?

An egg

Because of the Earth’s ____________, the sun and other stars appear to be moving across the sky.


The Sun and Stars do not move.


Solstices occurs four times per year: during summer, fall, winter, and spring.


Gravity is __________ to the distance between and difference in mass between two objects.


The Sun illuminates _______ of the Moon at all times.


Which of the following occurs in January when the Earth is closest to the sun?

A perigee

Which of the statements BEST summarizes what the Earth and Moon have in common?

They are both constantly revolving in an elliptical path

After the Big Bang, protons, electrons, and neutrons were formed through:

Nuclear fusion

A redshift can described as:

A galaxy that is moving away from us

After the Big Bang, matter and radiation caused:

The stars to form

_____ cannot be created or destroyed.


The patter that is observed in the universe can be described as:

Loosely repeated over and over again

Which of the following words BEST describes scientists’ current knowledge about the universe?


Astronomers believe that the universe began as an enclosed, cold object.


Our own bodies are made from matter.


In order to meet the demands for new matter, what must Earth’s residents do?

Recycle the available matter

Which of the following is used to show the universe’s scale, structure, and composition?

Cosmological models

Which of the following is NOT studied using cosmology?

The melting of the polar ice cap

The Moon appears red at times because of its attraction to reddish particles in the atmosphere


Our universe contains billions and billions of galaxies.


Which of the following statements BEST describes cosmic microwave background radiation?

The heat and light left over from the Big Bang.

The Milky Way has creamy center, similar to how the Milky Way candy bar has a creamy center.


Who discovered the first real evidence of the Big Bang?

Edwin Hubble

The celestial sphere is divided into:

88 different areas that identify, name, and plot the celestial objects

Patterns of stars called constellations were first observed by the ancient Romans and Greeks.


“Clouds” in space can begin as what?


The H-R diagram is a comparison between:

A star’s absolute magnitude and temperature

Stars emit different light types based on the _______

Elements that they absorb

The aging process of a star is referred to as?

The evolution

Gravity makes nebula more stable in a newly formed star?


The Big Dipper and Little Dipper are officially named?

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

Which of the following happens during the main-sequence stage of a stars life?

It cycles, appearing brighter and dimmer in turns

What force is responsible for crushing or collapsing stars?


A small, low-mass remnant star that has exhausted all the fuel to perform nuclear fusion is?

A white dwarf

What is responsible for making stars shine?


What is the name of the star that is closest to Earth?

The Sun

Hydrogen atoms do NOT repel each other within a star


How long does it take light travel from the Sun to Earth?

8 minutes

What is a nuclear budge?

The bulging center of a spiral galaxy consisting of stars in the shape of a flattened sphere that circles a black hole

It is possible to tell if objects in space are moving closer to us or farther away based on which of the following?

The higher the quantities of light that they emit

Redshifts are…

Galaxies that are moving farther apart.

Astronomers estimate that 50 billion to one trillion galaxies exist within our universe.


What are the four main parts of a spiral galaxy?

A halo, bulge, dish, and arms

A group of older stars that cluster together in a spherical shape and can contain up to one million stars per cluster is called:

A globular cluster

Edwin Hubble used a telescope and observed fuzzy blobs of light off in the distance. He realized that these lights were:


Black holes have three major parts that include:

The event horizon, singularity, and the chute located between the two

Nebulae are made of hydrogen, helium, and traces of heavier metal elements such as iron that are…

Larger than the Sun

The Milky Way galaxy is home to our Solar System


A cluster of galaxies containing very few galaxies is known as:

Poor cluster

How do scientists know that dark matter exists?

Gravitational lensing

Accretion is defined as:

Gravity that pulls matter in a spiraling matter

Many galaxies’ gravity source is in the form of black holes.


Enormous clusters of stars, dust, gas, and planetary systems are bound together to form:


Which of the following statements would NOT result in an eclipse?

The Earth is positioned closest to the Sun
