Temperature Heat & Energy – Physics
This Physics quiz is about temperature heat and energy.
When no air resistance acts on a fast moving baseball, its acceleration is
a. Due to a combination of constant horizontal motion and accelerated downward motion
b. Opposite to the force of gravity
c. Downward, g
d. At right angles
When no air resistance acts on a projectile, it’s horizontal acceleration is
a. Upward, g
b. Zero
c. At right angles to g
d. G
Without air resistance, the time for a vertically tossed ball to return to where it was thrown is
a. 10 m/s for every second in the air
b. The same as the time going upward
c. Less than the time going upward
d. More than the time going upward
In order to find the components of a vector, you should (3)
draw the vector with correct magnitude and orientation, measure the sides of the rectangle and draw a rectangle so that the vector is the diagnol
What causes heat to flow?
When two subtsances of different temperatures are in thermal contact, heat flows from the hotter substance to the cooler one
How does a thermometer measure temperature?
When a thermometer is in contact with a substance, heat flows between them until they reach the same temperature
What happens to the internal energy of a substance that takes in or gives off heat?
When a substance takes in or gives off heat, its internal energy changes
How can you determine the amount of heat transferred to a substance?
The amount of heat transferred can be determined by measuring the temperature change of a known mass of a substance that absorbs the heat
How does matter change when heated or cooled?
Most forms of matter, (solids, liquids and gases) expand when they are heated and contract when they are cooled
What is the effect of water’s high specific heat capacity on climate?
The property of water to resist changes in temperature improves the climate in many places
Why does ice float on water?
At 0 degrees celsius, ice is less dense than water, and so it floats on water
When matter gets warmer,
The atoms or molecules in the matter move faster
When a substance’s atoms and molecules move faster,
The substance expands
Fahrenheit scale freezing/boiling point of water
32, 212
Kelvin scale freezing/boiling point of water
0 = absolute zero, 0 k = -273 c
Absolute zero
When a substance has no more kinetic energy to give off, though it can still receive it
Temperature is the measurement of
The average kinetic energy in a substance
The energy that transfers from one object to another through thermal contact, because of a temperature difference between them
Matter does not contain ______, only ______
(1) heat (2) internal energy
Thermal energy
Energy resulting from heat flow
Thermal contact
When heat flows from one substance to another which it is in contact with
Thermal equilibrium
When objects in thermal contact reach the same temperature
Internal energy
A substance’s total amount of energy
Calorie (unit of heat energy)
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree celsius
1,000 calories
Air warms up ______ than water
In Colorado, water boils at a ______ temperature because the atmospheric pressure is ______
A practical application of a bimetallic strip that is used to control temperature. The strip bends as the temperature of a room changes
Solids, liquids and gases
Expand when heated and contract when cooled
The coldest temperature liquid water can have is 0 degrees celsius. True or false
At 0 degrees, liquid water begins changing phase
While a substance is changing phase,
The substance does not change temperature
How does water freeze?
At 0 degrees, water contracts as the temperature goes up until it hits 4 degrees, then expands
Projectile motion can be described by the
Horizontal and vertical components of motion
If an object is thrown across the room, the ______ it makes is a combination of constant ______, ______ motion and accelerated ______ motion,
Curve, velocity, horizontal, vertical
How does a scalar quantity differ from a vector quantity?
A vector quantity requires both magnitude and direction, but a scalar quantity only requires magnitude
The velocity of something is often the result of
The combination of two or more velocities
The wind that blows from the back of the plane to the front
The wind that blows from the front of the plane to the back
What is the resultant of two perpendicular vectors? (The resultant)
The diagonal of the rectangle described by the two vectors
For any Square, the diagonal is the ______ or ______ times either of its sides
Square root of 2, 1.414
Any vector can be resolved into two ______________ at ____________ to each other
Component vectors, right angles
Two vectors at right angles that add up to a given vector which they replace
The process of determining the components of a vector
How do the perpendicular components of a vector affect each other?
They are independent of each other
Equation for the resultant
R = square root of Vc squared + Hc squared
A vector of 45° is the _______ of two vectors that are at right angles to each other
In terms of the labs we did, as force increased, acceleration
In terms of the labs we did, as mass increased, acceleration
Second definition of projectile motion – anything that moves through a ______. Once in the air, they won’t produce any further ______.
Fluid, forces
Projectiles move in a ______ path
We always name a win from where it ____________
Comes from
If two vectors are facing the same direction, you ______ them
If two vectors are facing the opposite direction, you ______ them
If two lines make a T or an L; it’s a right angled configuration
Any object that moves through the air or space, acted on only by gravity (and air resistance, if any)
The horizontal component of motion for a projectile is just like the horizontal motion of a ____ rolling ____ along a level surface without ____.
Ball, freely, friction
The vertical component of a projectile’s velocity is like the motion for a ____ ____ object
Free falling
If you roll a ball along a horizontal surface, its velocity is ______ because no component of gravitational force acts ______
Constant, horizontally
If you drop a ball from mid air, it accelerates ______ and covers greater ____ distance each second
Downward, vertical
The combination of the ______ and the ______ components result in the variety of ______ paths that projectiles follow
Horizontal, vertical, curved
In terms of a ball launched horizontally, it moves the same ____ ____ in equal time intervals between each flash, because no ______ component of force is acting on it
Horizontal distance, horizontal
A parabola is the path traced by ______ _______ acting only in the _____ direction while moving at constant ______ velocity
projectile acceleration, vertical, horizontal
Because horizontal and vertical components are independent of each other, they will ____/____ at the ____ rate
Move, fall, same
No matter the angle at which a projectile is launched, the ______ ______ of fall beneath the idealized straight line path is the ______ for equal times
Vertical distance, same
Describe how far below an imaginary straight line path a projectile falls: The vertical distance of projectile falls below imaginary straight line path _____ continually with time it is equal to ____________
Increases, 5 m/s squared x T squared
The greater the vertical component, ____________. But, the less the horizontal component is, ____________.
The higher the path of motion, the less range
An object thrown in the air at an angle of 60° will have ____________ as an object thrown in the air at an angle of 30°. This is because they will both add up to 90°.
The same range
Ignoring air resistance, the angle of _____ will give you the greatest range
With the factor of ________, the range of a projectile gets ______ and is not actually a parabola.
Air resistance, smaller
If you throw baseball in your hand, the speed you catch it with is the same as ___________
The speed you threw it with
Crosswind means
Which of these expresses a vector quantity?
a. 10 kg
b. 10 kg to the north
c. 10 m/s
d. 10 m/s to the north
A ball launched into the air at 45° to the horizontal initially has
a. Equal horizontal and vertical components
b. Components that do not change in flight
c. Components that affect each other throughout flight
d. A greater component of velocity in the vertical component
An airplane flying into a head wind loses ground speed, and an airplane flying with a tail wind gains ground speed. If an airplane flies at right angles to the wind, then the ground speed is
The capacity (ability) of a substance to store heat depends on
Its chemical composition
The continuous movement in the atoms/molecules causes
The matter to have kinetic energy
The warmer an object,
The greater the kinetic energy
The quantity that tells how hot or cold something is compared with a standard
The hotter something’s temperature, the ______ it gets. The colder it is, the ______ it gets
(1) bigger (2) smaller
Celsius scale freezing/boiling point of water
0, 100