Idiomatic Expressions Translation – Spanish Language
Below are some of the Idiomatic Expressions used in Spanish Language and their translation.
Tener (mucho) miedo (de)
Translation – To be (very much) afraid (of)
Tener mucho gusto en
Translation – To be pleased to
Tener presente
Translation – To keep in mind, to take into account
Tener (mucha) prisa
Translation – To be in a (big) hurry
Tener que + infinitive
Translation – To have to
Dar a
Translation – To face, to look out on
Dar con
Translation – To run into
Dar a conocer
Translation – To make known
Dar cuerda
Translation – To wind (up)
Dar gritos
Translation – To shout, to scream
Dar la hora
Translation – To strike (the hour)
Dar las gracias
Translation – To thank
Dar recuerdos a
Translation – To give regards to
Dar un abrazo
Translation – To hug
Estar de acuerdo
Translation – To agree unanimously
Estar de buen (mal) humor
Translation – To be in a good (bad) mood
Estar de moda
Translation – To be in style (fashionable)
Estar de pie
Translation – To be standing
Dar un paseo
Translation – To take a walk
Dar un paseo (una vuelta) en coche
Translation – To go for a ride
Dar una vuelta
Translation – To take a walk
Darse cuenta de (que)
Translation – To relaize (that)
Darse la mano
Translation – To shake hands
Darse prisa
Translation – To hurry
Echar (una carta, una tarjeta, etc)
Translation – To mail (a letter, a card, etc)
Echar la culpa
Translation – To blame
Echar(se) a perder
Translation – To spoil, to ruin, to lose its good taste
Echar de menos a alguien
Translation – To miss someone
Echarse a reír
Translation – To burst out laughing
Estar a punto de
Translation – To be about to
Estar al día
Translation – To be up to date (current)
Estar bien enterado
Translation – To be well-informed
Estar de vuelta
Translation – To be back
Estar enamorado de
Translation – To be in love with
Estar harto de
Translation – To be fed up with
Estar muerto de hambre
Translation – To be starving
Estar muerto de cansancio
Translation – To be dead tired
Estar muerto de sueño
Translation – To be very sleepy
Estar para + infinitive
Translation – To be about to, to be at the point of
(No) estar para bromas
Translation – (Not) to be in the mood for jokes
Estar por
To be in favor of
Estar seguro
To be sure
(No) hacer caso a
(Not) to pay attention, (not) to listen to, to ignore
Hacer el papel de
To play the part (role) of
Idiomatic Expressions Translation – Spanish Language
Hacer escala
To stop over
Hacer hincapié
To emphasize
Hacer la cama
To make the bed
Hacer la maleta
To pack one’s suitcase
Hacer pedazos
To smash, to tear into pieces
Hacer un viaje
To take a trip
Hacer una pregunta
To ask a question
Hacer una visita
To pay a visit
Hacerle daño a alguien
To hurt someone
Hacer(le) falta
To lack, to be in need of, to be lacking
Hacer(le) saber
To inform, to let someone know (something)
Hacerse cargo
To take charge of
Hacerse daño
To get hurt, to hurt (oneself)
Hacerse tarde
To get late
Qué tiempo hace?
What is the weather like?
Hace buen tiempo
The weather is good
Hace (mucho) calor
It is (very) warm/hot
Hace (mucho) fresco
It is (very) cool
Hace (mucho) frió
It is (very) cold
Hace mal tiempo
The weather is bad
Hace (mucho) sol
It is (very) sunny
Hace (mucho) viento
It is (very) windy
Ir al centro
To go downtown
Tener x años
To be x years old
Tener buena (mala) cara
To look good (bad)
Tener (mucha) calma
To be (very) calm
Tener (mucho) calor
To be/feel (very) hot
Tener (muchos) celos (de)
To be (very) jealous (of)
Tener (mucho) cuidado
To be (very) careful
Tener deseos de, Tener ganas de
To feel like, to have an urge to
Tener dolor de (garganta, cabeza, etc)
To have a (sore throat, headache, etc)
Tener en cuenta
To take into account
Tener (mucha) envidia (de)
To be (very) envious (of)
Tener (mucho) éxito
To be (very) successful
Tener (mucho) frio
To be/feel (very) cold
Tener (mucha) hambre
To be (very) hungry
Tener la culpa (de)
To be blamed (for), to be one’s fault
Tener la palabra
To have the floor
Tener (mucha) lástima de
To feel (very) sorry for
Tener lugar
To take place
Tener que ver con
To have to do with
(No) tener razón
To be right (wrong)
Tener (mucha) sed
To be (very) thirsty
Tener (mucho) sueño
To be (very) sleepy
Tener (mucha) suerte
To be (very) lucky
Tener (mucha) vergüenza (de)
To be (very much) ashamed (of)
Llegar atrasado, Llegar con atraso, Llegar con retraso, llegar tarde
To be (arrive) late
Ir de compras
To go shopping
Ir de tiendas
To go shopping
Llegar a ser
To become (goal achieved over time)
Llegar a tiempo
To be (arrive) on time
Llegar temprano
To be (arrive) early
Ponerse de acuerdo
To agree, to come to an agreement
Ponerse de pie
To stand
To kneel (down)
Ponerse de rodillas