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Human Resources Planning And Management
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Chapter 5 Human Resources Planning And Management

This lesson is about Human Resources Planning And Management.

The process of reviewing human resources requirements to ensure that the organization has the required number of employees, with the necessary skills to meet its goals, is known as:

A) selection.
B) human resources planning. correct
C) strategic planning.
D) training and development.
E) recruitment.

Each of the following statements about HRP is true EXCEPT:

A) it can lead to significant costs if done poorly.
B) a critical HRP issue is what to do when the labour supply exceeds the anticipated demand.
C) a fundamental HRP decision when demand exceeds supply is whether projected positions
will be filled externally or internally.
D) it is a reactive process. correct
E) it is also known as employment planning.

A potential solution when labour demand exceeds labour supply is:

A) finding employees alternative jobs within the organization.
B) work sharing.
C) hiring temporary workers. correct
D) job sharing.
E) any of the above

Potential solutions when labour supply exceeds labour demand include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) instituting a hiring freeze.
B) subcontracting.
C) termination of employment.
D) downsizing through attrition. correct
E) employee layoffs.

Effective HRP helps an organization to do all of the following EXCEPT:

A) anticipate and avoid shortages and surpluses of human resources.
B) comply with privacy laws. correct
C) make major labour market demands more successfully.
D) achieve its goals and objectives.
E) plan and coordinate recruitment, selection, training, and career planning more effectively.

When labour demand equals labour supply:

A) occupational health and safety is critical in achieving balance.
B) HR personnel must hire more recruiters.
C) performance management is critical in achieving balance. correct
D) compensation and benefits are most important.
E) project management skills are critical for achieving balance.

Inadequate human resources planning within an organization can result in direct costs when labour demand decreases significantly for an extended period of time. Which of the following provides an accurate reason for this:

A) there are project management costs.
B) there is a link to privacy laws.
C) it would cause costs associated with hiring part-time workers.
D) severance pay is required for a large number of staff. correct
E) it would cause hiring more HR staff.

Strategic plans are created and carried out by:

A) Human Resources personnel.
B) a CFO.
C) a Board of Directors.
D) a CEO.
E) people. correct

Each of the following statements about the relationship between HRP and strategic planning is true EXCEPT:

A) HRP has long been part of the strategic planning process. correct
B) failure to integrate HRP and strategic planning can have very serious consequences.
C) determining whether or not people will be available is a critical element of strategic planning.
D) environmental scanning is a critical component of both HRP and strategic planning.
E) HRP and strategic planning become effective when there is a reciprocal and interdependent
relationship between them.

External environmental factors that are most frequently monitored in HR and strategic planning include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) economic conditions.
B) market and competitive trends.
C) new or revised laws.
D) demographic trends.
E) international trade patterns. correct

Today, the most significant environmental factor relates to the dramatic demographic changes in:

A) labour force composition. correct
B) the technological sector.
C) the service sector.
D) the small business sector.
E) the public sector.

Which of the following is the first step in human resource planning?

A) forecasting future HR needs
B) forecasting the availability of external candidates
C) forecasting the availability of internal candidates correct
D) analyzing the HR implications of the organizationʹs strategic plans
E) balancing supply and demand

Which of the following statements is true?

A) Currently, the fastest growing groups in the Canadian labour force are visible minorities and persons with disabilities.
B) By 2010, one in two Canadians will be age 50 or older.
C) Probably the most significant environmental factor in HRP in Canada today relates to dramatic changes in labour-force composition. correct
D) Effective HRP involves focusing on monitoring trends only.
E) The number of young people in the Canadian labour force is now increasing.

The first step in the HRP process, after the HR implications of the firmʹs strategic plans have been analyzed, is:

A) forecasting availability of internal and external candidates.
B) monitoring and evaluating the results.
C) forecasting future human resources needs. correct
D) planning and implementing HR programs to balance supply and demand.
E) job analysis and design.

Factors that should be considered when forecasting the number and type of people needed to meet organizational objectives include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) projected recruitment figures. correct
B) projected turnover.
C) decisions to upgrade the quality of products or services or enter into new markets.
D) the financial resources available to each department.
E) quality and nature of employees.

Which of the following is a quantitative approach to forecasting?

A) trend analysis correct
B) managerial judgment
C) the nominal group technique
D) the Delphi technique
E) trend analysis and the nominal group technique

Quantitative techniques to forecasting include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) trend analysis.
B) ratio analysis.
C) the nominal group technique. correct
D) regression analysis.
E) a scatter plot.

Computing the number of employees in the firm at the end of the last five years is associated with which of the following forecasting techniques?

A) trend analysis correct
B) a scatter plot
C) ratio analysis
D) time-series analysis
E) regression analysis

A forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratios between sales volume and the number of employees needed is:

A) a scatter plot.
B) time-series analysis.
C) regression analysis.
D) ratio analysis. correct
E) trend analysis.

Like ________, ratio analysis assumes that productivity remains much the same and is therefore not appropriate in changing environments.

A) regression analysis
B) trend analysis correct
C) time-series analysis
D) the nominal group technique
E) a scatter plot

A ________ illustrates the relationship between two factors: a measure of business activity and staffing levels.

A) time-series analysis
B) scatter plot correct
C) ratio analysis
D) trend analysis
E) regression analysis

A statistical technique involving the use of a mathematical formula to project future demands, based on an established relationship between an organizationʹs employment level and some measurable factor of output, is known as:

A) a computerized forecast.
B) ratio analysis.
C) trend analysis.
D) regression analysis. correct
E) a scatter plot.

In contrast to quantitative approaches, qualitative techniques rely solely on:

A) a scatter plot.
B) expert judgments. correct
C) regression analysis.
D) trend analysis.
E) multiple regression analysis.

Two approaches used to gather qualitative data in order to forecast HR demand (or supply) are:

A) scatter plot and Delphi technique.
B) regression analysis and nominal group technique.
C) ratio analysis and nominal group technique.
D) trend analysis and scatter plot.
E) nominal group and Delphi technique. correct

A decision-making technique that involves a group of experts meeting face to face, which can be used for HR forecasting, is known as:

A) the nominal group technique. correct
B) an informal expert forecast.
C) a formal expert forecast.
D) managerial judgment.
E) the Delphi technique.

The drawbacks of which forecasting technique include subjectivity and the potential for group pressure to lead to less accurate assessments than could be obtained through other means?

A) a formal expert forecast.
B) managerial judgment.
C) the Delphi technique.
D) an informal expert forecast.
E) the nominal group technique. correct

You have just been hired as the Director of Human Resources at a mid sized engineering company. The CEO has asked you to assist her in forecasting future human resources needs and to first use a forecasting technique which would generate an exchange of ideas among Directors of each division. She is concerned that you use a technique which will lead to greater acceptance of results among Directors. Which technique do you use?

A) an informal expert forecast
B) nominal group technique
C) a formal expert forecast
D) regression analysis
E) the nominal group technique correct
