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Subjects Qualitative Research & Study

This quiz is about Subjects Qualitative Research & Study.

1. Which type of research is considered the most desirable to conduct a study and why?

Experimental, because tight controls over experiment, has control and comparison group, and there is random selection of subjects

2. A qualitative research method that emphasizes the subjectivity (from the research participants and personal perspective) of human experience


3. The individuals who provide data in the research study; the subset of the population


4. Written first hand by one of the researches in the study

Primary Source

5. Can influence the outcome of a particular finding in a study


6. This type of research studies the physical or psychosocial responses of people of all ages in health and wellness

Nursing Research

7. What are the 2 broad categories of research methods

Qualitative and Quantitative

8. A type of quantitative research method in which the conditions are controlled by the subjects are NOT randomly selected

Quasi-experimental (true experiment requires subjects that are collected and controlled in a specific manner

9. What does random selection of subjects involve and why is it important to research

It gives all eligible subjects equal change to be in the control or experimental group. Is best method to ensure that a sample is representative of a larger population.

10. A situation in need of solution, improvement, or alteration

Research problem

11. What is the foundation of all research?

Scientific method or inquiry

12. Objective and systematic means of acquiring and testing knowledge; “The foundation of research”

Scientific method or inquiry

13. Any article or information other than the study being conducted

Secondary source

14. The degree in which an instrument obtains consistent responses


15. Designed to determine the effectiveness of health services

Outcomes research

16. Concise summary of a study


17. Researcher’s expectations about the outcomes of a study


18. A measurable characteristic that varies among subjects being studied


19. The code of conduct that guides investigators in conducting ethical research

Nuremberg Code

20. A type of qualitative research method which involves description of cultural behaviors; research is conducted in the natural cultural setting of the subject


21. Name 2 types of Qualitative Research

Ethnography, Phenomenology, Grounded Theory

22. Name two types of Quantitative Research

Experimental, Survery, Correlational Analysis

23. Subjects in a study who receive experimental treatment

Experimental Group

24. What is the optimal level of nursing education for research and why?

Doctoral Preparation: usually have had experience with research during graduate education
– Can design studies independently
– Collaborate with other clinicians
– Acquire funding for research (grants)

25. The device used to measure the subject of interest in a research study


26. Subjects in an experiment who do NOT receive experimental treatment

Control/Comparison Group
– Control: term used with random sampling methods
– Comparison: term used with NON random methods

27. How research findings are implemented in the practice setting

Research utilization

28. The variable that is controlled and manipulated by the researcher so that its effect on the dependent variable may be studied; symbolized by the letter x

Independent variable

29. A type of qualitative research method that collects and analyzes data for purpose of theory development or to explain some phenomenon

Grounded Theory: the theory is “grounded” in the real world

30. Ability to apply findings to a broader situation


31. The process of providing research subjects with information regarding their participation in a research project

Informed consent

32. The variable that is observed for changes during the investigation; symbolized by the letter y

Dependent variable

33. Objective information collected in a study that is in quantified (numerical) form

Quantitative Research Method

34. A type of research study that examines the relationships among variables – how they affect each other without any interference by the researcher

Correlational Analysis

35. Each subject has an equal chance of being selected for any group

Random Selection

36. A type of quantitative research method designed to obtain information from populations about practices, attitudes, or to describe a topic of study


37. What is the Baccalaureate Student Nurses role in research?

– Read studies and evaluate findings
– Identify clinical problems in nursing practice
– Assist with the research process
o Data collection
o Implement findings in practice

38. Articles listed in the reference or bibliography section of a study


39. The recommended style to utilize when listing a citation

APA: American Psychological Association

40. A type of research in which researcher controls the independent variables and the subjects are randomly assigned to different conditions

Experimental Research

41. Name 2 types of quantitative research that determines how well a practice, policy, procedure, etc. is working

Evaluation Research

42. What determines what type of research method is utilized in a study?

– Amount of knowledge about the topic
– Two types of problems being investigated
– Ex: Nursing = physical, emotional, social, health, wellness, promotion, etc.

43. The entire set of people/objects that are included in the study

– Sometimes referred to as the target ___________
– Population: determined by criteria such as age, sex, illness, state, etc.
– Ex: Population – All people with Type 2 Diabetes
Sample – 200 people with Type 2 Diabetes in a community clinic

44. A type of research where objective is to describe characteristics of people, situations, or groups and frequency with which they occur

Descriptive Research

45. Inductive approach to data collection that is non-numerical information, such as in a structured interview; often uses narrative format to examine patterns of relationships

Qualitative Research Method

46. Objective data gathered through observation

Empirical Data

47. The usefulness of an instrument in measuring a particular circumstance


48. Name two types of research designs

– Descriptive
– Experimental
– Quasi Experimental
– Correlational
