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Dwarf and Neutron Star – Galaxy Evaluation

In this lesson, we discuss an astronomical evaluation of our galaxy focusing on dwarf, neutron star, supernovae and black holes.

1 teaspoon of white dwarf matter equals

1 ton

yellow dwarfs are ____ of years old


red dwarfs are ____ solar mass(es)

less than 1

what holds a white dwarf against the collapse of gravity

electron repulsion forces

1 teaspoon of neutron star equals

a mountain

blue dwarfs are ____ solar mass(es)

10 to 100

the electron must sit where to become a white dwarf

the nucleus

yellow dwarfs are ____ solar mass(es)

1 to 3

blue dwarfs are ____ of years old


red dwarfs are ____ of years old


holds a neutron star against the collapse of gravity

nuclear force

yellow dwarfs are ____ of years old


a sun shrunk to the size of the earth

white dwarf

closest star to us; 4.2 lightyears away

alpha centauri

a white dwarf that emits radiation in an intermittent fashion


a sun shrunk to the size of boston

neutron star

holds typical stars against the collapse of gravity

gas pressure

the surface of the sun is ____ degrees celsius


the core of the sun is ____ degrees celsius

10 million

surface area times temperature


the sun is a ____ star (classification)


luminosity, star diameter and surface temperature all depend on a star’s ____ and ____

mass, age

the more negative the luminosity, the _____ it is


the color of a star correlates with _____ temperature


the diameter of the sun is ____ earths and the volume is _____ earths

100, 1 million

a dwarf star is burning ____ into ____

hydrogen, helium

a giant star is burning ____ into _____

helium, carbon

the largest stars become the ____ and the coolest stars become the ____

smallest, hottest

the type of supernovae where one binary star “eats” the other; a white dwarf engulfs the gas from a red giant and detonates

type 1

the type of supernovae which is a catachlysmic collapse of a single star three times greater than the size of our sun

type 2

Sagitarius A*

What is the name of the black hole at the center of our galaxy?

3.26 million

How much does the black hole at the center of our galaxy weigh?

.02 AU

What is the schwarzschild radius of our black hole?

13 billion years old

About how old is our galaxy?

disk, bulge, galactic center, galactic halo

4 parts of a galaxy


How many globular clusters are there?

oldest stars

What do globular clusters contain?

galactic halo

Where are globular clusters?


How do globular clusters move?


What do we have in between galaxies?

warm hot intergalactic medium

What does WHIM stand for?

120,000 LY

How big is our galaxy?


true weight of our galaxy


star weight

over 300 billion

How many stars are there in our galaxy?

8 kiloparsecs

How far away are we from the center of our galaxy?

200 one

At the center of our galaxy there are ____ stars in ____ parsec(s)

Population 1

any stars in the disk

Population 2

any stars in the halo

local group

name of our galactic neighborhood


How many galaxies are there in the local group?

220 km/s

How fast are we moving?

225 million years

our galactic year


What percentage of the universe is made up of dark matter?


Two types of dark matter

massive compact halo objects


nteracting massive particles


RR Lyrae

low mass stars – accurate


high mass stars – not accurate
