English Play Julius Caesar & Poem Peruvian Child
These English chapters contain numerous poems but our main discussion include the poem Peruvian Child & the Play Julius Caesar.
Which word describes the overall feeling of “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”?
Which image in “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind” helps to convey the theme?
“Raged at his breast, gulped and died”
What is the purpose of war according to the poem “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”?
The overall feeling of “the sonnet-ballad” is
Which of the following does the author repeat in “the sonnet-ballad”?
“where is happiness?”
What theme do the two poems have in common?
war is cruel and unfair
Which phrase is repeated in “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”?
“War is kind”
The tone of “the sonnet-ballad” is best described as
What became of the lover in “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”?
He died and fell off his horse.
The speaker of “the sonnet-ballad” is a soldier’s
In “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind,” which image conveys the message of the poem?
“A field where a thousand corpses lie”
The authors of both poems view war as
Which phrase is ironic in “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”?
“the virtue of slaughter”
The soldier in “the sonnet-ballad”
died in the war
The speaker in “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind” is
an unnamed narrator
The reason the author lost faith in positive militant ideals is because they
are difficult to carry out
E. M. Forster’s essay states that the only foundation for a civilization is
tolerance as a state of mind
In comparing the virtues of love and tolerance, Forster makes the point that love
is not a practical way to rebuild after a war
Forster presents the thesis that people need to
be patient with each other
The idea that nations should love one another is
Which sentence best supports Forster’s thesis?
The world would be a better place if people could get along with each other.
Forster states that he disagrees with people who
support love over tolerance
Which is the author’s message?
People must be tolerant of each other.
The author thinks we can make the world a better place by
putting ourselves in someone else’s place
The author uses “tolerance” to mean
putting up with others
Why does Forster say that it takes imagination to be tolerant?
You have to put yourself in someone else’s place
Why has no one raised a statue to tolerance, as Forster claims?
Tolerance is not popular.
Which quotation from the essay defines tolerance?
“It means merely putting up with people …”
In this essay, the author’s purpose is to
The author presents evidence that tolerance
continues when love ends
The narrators in both selections are
A reasonable purpose for reading “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another” is to
understand an experience
What moved the author to write “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another”?
an image on television
The theme of “Song of P’eng-ya” is
friendship and love ease hardship
In “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another,” the author is speaking to
another refugee
Which quote from “Song of P’eng-ya” shows desperation?
“I hugged her to my chest, muffling her mouth,”
In “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another,” Andrew Lam is addressing
a young Albanian child
What is the meaning of the following sentence from “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another”? “Throughout the green tent city that flapped incessantly in the wind was the music of sorrow and grief
The sounds of grieving filled the air.
These works are similar because they
share a message about overcoming hardship
In “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another,” what is the author’s message in lines 54-55?
Have hope.
The narrator in “Song of P’eng-ya” finds a safe place to stay
at a friend’s home
What is the message in the following sentence from “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another”? “The food line is always long and no matter how early you are there, there will always be a line.”
You have to fight for a place in line.
People never have enough to eat.
Which quote from “Letter to a Young Refugee from another” shows Lam’s message that you must be fierce to survive?
“Arm yourself, if you can, with a knife or a stone, and guard your family…”
The narrator in “Song of P’eng-ya” is traveling with
What is the author’s final piece of advice in “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another”?
Tell people what happened.
What does deflect mean?
turn aside
Conspire means to plan
Which reason was most responsible for changing a manageable fire into a deadly one?
A cold front moved in and the wind picked up suddenly.
Why did the Bureau of Land Management wait three days before sending firefighters to Storm King Mountain?
It was one of many small fires started by lightning that day.
What had the National Weather Service predicted less than 24 hours before the blowup?
gusty winds and a cold front
Which character played the most important role at Storm King Mountain?
Brad Haugh
What does conceivably mean?
The main conflict in this example of narrative nonfiction is between
the firefighters and the fire
What does rigorous mean?
Which of the following best describes rigorous training?
Which of the following conclusions does Junger draw about the blowup and the deaths of the firefighters?
The lessons of the Battlement Mesa fire had not been learned.
In Junger’s narrative, which of the following happened first?
A lightning strike ignited the South Canyon fire.
What was the location of the blowup?
a mountainside in Colorado
According to the author, which of the following made the fire at Storm King Mountain unusual?
the speed at which the fire spread
Many events in the selection are narrated from the point of view of
Brad Haugh
How much time will it take to get from the downtown station to the Museum District?
15 minutes
Using the Texas Medical Center Area map, you can find the way to
the Houston Zoo
How much time will it take to get from the Main Street Square to the Houston Zoo?
16 minutes
What section of Houston does the detail map portray?
the Texas Medical Center area
You could transfer from bus 26 to bus 297 at the TMC Transit Center.
The closest bus route to the hospital is
If you arrive at the Transit Center for the Texas Medical Center Area, you can easily get the bus on route
What information is NOT included in the Metrorail Rider Guide?
the location of the fire department
On a transit map, use a scale to
figure out the distance from one point to another
On a transit map, the legend
explains what the symbols mean
What does embody mean?
to represent
To understand the author’s perspective it helps to know that she is a former
To appreciate the author’s perspective in the story, it is helpful to know that Isabel Allende
was a highly respected journalist in her native land
What does tenacity mean?
firm determination
What does resignation mean?
passive acceptance
Rolf Carlé helps comfort Azucena during her struggle by
staying by her side from the moment he meets her
Which of the following events does Rolf Carlé remember during the time he spends with Azucena?
the death of his sister Katharina
Which disaster leads to Azucena becoming trapped?
a volcano erupts near her town
Azucena becomes the symbol of the tragedy because she
stubbornly clings to life
Which of the following items arrives too late to save Azucena?
a pump to drain the water around her
Where does the story say Rolf Carlé spent part of his childhood?
in a concentration camp
Fortitude is best defined as
Which two characters are at the center of the story?
a journalist and a young girl
Someone in a stupor is
At the end of the story, the author’s perspective on Rolf Carlé is that she believes he
will need some time before his emotional wounds heal
In “Peruvian Child,” which of the following statements can you infer from lines 1-2?
The speaker still thinks about the child she saw.
According to Rita Dove, what has Lady Freedom brought back into the streets?
Where is the statue of Lady Freedom located in Washington, D.C.?
atop the Capitol Building
In “Peruvian Child,” which can you infer about the speaker?
She is listening to a tour guide.
In “Peruvian Child,” why does the poet use the phrase “as usual” in line 17?
to imply that people are often not sensitive to the misery of others
Which of the following best identifies the topic that both poems address?
engaging in social responsibility
In “Lady Freedom Among Us,” who is being described in lines 8-16?
an old homeless woman who is on the street
In lines 2-4 of “Peruvian Child,” the speaker compares the child to
women selling goods at a market
In “Peruvian Child,” you can infer that the child described in lines 9-14 is
In “Lady Freedom Among Us,” the poet compares a statue to
a homeless woman
In “Lady Freedom Among Us,” what can you infer about the poet’s beliefs from lines 31-32?
She thinks that freedom involves idealism and responsibility.
From the description of the Peruvian child and the doll in lines 6-13, you can infer that
the child is poor and loves the doll very much
In “Peruvian Child,” the imagery in line 6 appeals to the senses of
sight and hearing
Both Pat Mora and Rita Dove would probably agree that many people need more
In “Lady Freedom Among Us,” what is the author’s purpose in using the images “thick skin,” “gritted exhaust,” and “sunscorch and blear” in lines 22-23?
suggest that city living is often very challenging
On which point does Jane Goodall challenge the beliefs of animal-rights activists?
Animal research does not advance medical knowledge and treatment.
Which statement summarizes what the author saw in the first lab?
one long hallway after another
The author believes that anyone who works with laboratory animals should
learn about their natural behavior
The author repeats the phrase “we make mistakes” to show that
people are careless
A boisterous child is
To annihilate is to
What is complicity?
partnership in a crime
How does Sagan feel about the present and future leaders of the nuclear powers?
He does not trust them.
If two people are contending, they are
struggling in rivalry
What does precursor mean?
one who came before
A speech given stridently is
What kind of statement is Sagan’s, “Everywhere on earth is a potential battlefield now”?
an overgeneralization
Which of the following would Jane Goodall consider ideal?
no chimpanzees to be used in medical research
Sagan mentions Jennie Wade to illustrate his point that
war today will not only kill trained soldiers
The author supports his claim “everywhere on earth is a potential battlefield” by
stating that today’s weapons can reach anyplace
Why does Pakhom want to buy land at first?
so he won’t have to worry about fines
The younger sister says that the life of a peasant is
hard but worry-free
When there is discord between people, they lack
Which of the following sums up the themes of both selections?
It’s always best to take only as much as you need.
Which phrase best describes Pakhom?
never satisfied
What does disparage mean?
speak insultingly
Which reason leads Pakhom to negotiate the purchase of his first plot of land from the lady landowner?
The steward has taken to levying fines which Pakhom is tired of paying
What is the main reason Pakhom has trouble with people in his communes?
He does not wish to share land
At the beginning of the story, Pakhom listens to his wife and her sister argue about which one has the best
Which of the following is the story’s moral message?
Take only as much as you need.
Which theme does the New Testament excerpt share with the story?
Be happy with what you have.
The moral of this story is taught when Pakhom
tries to walk farther than he knew he could
According to the excerpt from the New Testament, how should the rich conduct themselves?
by acting generously toward others
What does forbear mean?
restrain oneself
Pakhom’s first plot of land seems different to him after the purchase because it
now belongs to him
The ship
is named for the skipper’s wife
Which reason is NOT why the wife wants the stones?
to flaunt in front of the townspeople
Which paraphrase is closest in meaning to “he had the figurehead of it beautifully carved, just like her, and the hair of gilt”?
A skipper carved a figurehead to look like his wife.
The ship was named after
the skipper’s wife
Which paraphrase is closest in meaning to “still the wife could not stop fretting about the blue stones”?
The wife continued to think about the stones.
The skipper
knows the value of the blue stones
The literal meaning of the blue stones is
the man and his wife value the stones for different reasons
The skipper acquired the blue stones from
an old king
Which paraphrase is closest in meaning to “when I want a kiss I come home to Elsinore”?
I return home when I want the affection I can’t get from a wooden boat ornament.
The skipper
honors his wife with the beautiful figurehead
The wife wants the stones to use as
What do the blue stones symbolize?
the ability to see
What happens to the wife’s eyes?
The wife has a disease that causes her to go blind.
What would the wife have done to show her remorse?
return the jewels to the figurehead
What does the wife feel toward the figurehead?
In “Midwinter Blues,” the speaker says that her man told her that
he loved her
The speaker in “Ballad” feels
What does the speaker in “Midwinter Blues” say about her love for her man?
She will love him until she dies.
The speaker in “Midwinter Blues” believes that her man does not love her because he left
when the coal was low
In “Ballad,” Mistral expands the traditional ballad form when she
chooses not to use a rhyme scheme
Which of the following is the meaning of the dialect “‘For I’m weary wi’ hunting'” from line 4 of “Lord Randall”?
I am tired from hunting.
What characteristic of a ballad can you find at the beginnings and ends of the first three stanzas of “Ballad”?
Which of the following identifies a situation common to all three poems?
a betrayal of love
What aspect of “Ballad” links it to the traditional characteristics of a song?
repetition of lines
Who poisons Lord Randall?
his true love
Lines 17-18 of “Ballad” suggest that the speaker’s emotional pain
is insignificant to others
“Lord Randall” is structured as a conversation between Lord Randall and his
Which of the following do all three of the ballads have?
What tragic incident is the focus of the ballad “Lord Randall”?
the poisoning of Lord Randall
What has the speaker seen that is upsetting in lines 1-6 of “Ballad”?
the man walking by with another love
How does Poe’s style help you understand the meaning of the sentence that begins on line 277 of “The Pit and the Pendulum”?
Repeated words add to the narrator’s sense of desperation.
What does insuperable mean?
impossible to overcome
Indeterminate means
not precisely known
If you confound people, you
confuse them
What does eloquent mean?
emotionally expressive
Both of Poe’s selections create a sense of horror through descriptions of
enveloping darkness
What is voracity?
greed for food
Pertinacity is
unyielding persistence
In “The Pit and the Pendulum,” why do the torturers put out food and water when the narrator first succumbs to fatigue?
to prolong the torture
Pervading means
spreading throughout
The narrator in “The Pit and the Pendulum” examines his surroundings by
feeling his way around the wall
Both the short story and the poem create a sense of
What aspect of Poe’s style helps you understand the narrator’s feelings in the sentence on lines 179-182 of “The Pit and the Pendulum”?
first-person point of view
Why is it unusual that the speaker in Poe’s poem seems to have taken solace in the lake?
The lake was a lonely, wild, and eerie place.
In “The Lake,” what does the speaker claim to have felt when darkness came to the lake?
In both poems, the poet wants to
help you understand the speakers
What does the astronomer most likely encourage the audience to do in “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer”?
analyze nature
Why does the speaker leave the lecture in “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer”?
The astronomer ignores the stars’ mystery.
In both poems, the speakers
are sensitive to their surroundings
Reread line 3 of “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer.” Which element of Whitman’s style does the line include?
a catalog
The sensory details in line 16 of “The Artilleryman’s Vision” appeal to
How does the speaker in “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer” feel while listening to the astronomer?
What is the astronomer discussing at the beginning of “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer?”
scientific measurements
The sensory details in lines 7-8 of “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer” are effective because they
contrast with the dullness surrounding the lecture
What does the speaker say about the chief-gunner in “The Artilleryman’s Vision”?
The chief-gunner carefully completes his job.
Reread line 9 of “The Artilleryman’s Vision.” Which stylistic device does Whitman use to convey the sound of war effectively?
“The Artilleryman’s Vision” is a poem explaining the
details of a soldier’s war experience
What is the speaker’s vision mainly about in “The Artilleryman’s Vision”?
the experience of a battle
In both selections, Whitman’s style of using free verse
helps convey the speaker’s experiences
Reread lines 21-24 of “The Artilleryman’s Vision.” The sensory details in these lines are effective because they
show the confusion and fear the soldier experienced
Which phrase from Frost’s poems is an example of his style of using conversational language?
“Oh, just another kind of outdoor game”
The speaker in “Birches” says that when birch trees are bent low by ice for too long, they
stay in that position forever
What is the wheelbarrow in “The Red Wheelbarrow” probably used for?
working on a farm
The imagist poem “The Pond” recreates the experience of
being near a pond at dusk
What sound is described in “The Pond”?
frogs croaking
What does the poet use to convey the rhythm of the fireworks in lines 6-9 of “Fourth of July Night”?
short phrases
What is the wall’s purpose in “Mending Wall”?
separate two pieces of property
Reread lines 5-9 of “Mending Wall.” Frost’s style of using a mocking tone reveals the speaker’s disdain for
What time of day is it in “The Pond”?
Lines 30-31 of “Mending Wall” demonstrate Frost’s style of using
realistic dialogue
After reading “Mending Wall,” you can infer that the speaker
questions the way things are
In “Birches,” the birch trees remind the speaker of childhood games because they
are bent
In each poem, Frost’s style of using a playful tone contrasts with
the deeper meaning of the poem
What can you infer about how the speaker in “Birches” feels when he dreams of playing again in the birch trees?
The speaker sometimes feels as though the stresses of life will overwhelm him.
“The Red Wheelbarrow” is different from the other imagist poems because it has
a repetitive stanza structure
What was a Kapo?
a prisoner who acted as foreman
What was the “gift” that the SS gave the prisoners for New Year’s?
a chance at selection
Why did Wiesel’s father want to give his son his knife and spoon?
Wiesel’s father thought he was going to die.
From the description of historical events in this memoir, you learn that
city buses were nearly empty on the first day of the Montgomery boycott
Wiesel called his father’s knife and spoon “the inheritance” because they were
the only thing of value that his father had
Which detail from the memoir is an opinion rather than a fact?
Rosa Parks was a charming person with a radiant personality
Stature is
As Wiesel went in front of the doctors, he tried to hide his
camp number
What does din mean?
loud noise
A boycott is a
form of protest
Wiesel wanted his father to keep the knife and spoon because Wiesel
wanted to believe that his father would survive
The Kings were up at 5:30 Monday morning to
see the first bus go past their house
What insight do you gain from the memoir when Wiesel describes his hatred of the bells?
Their noise reminded the prisoners that they had little control over their own lives.
A tactic is
a planned action to reach a goal
What does militant mean?
What does the narrator believe about war?
A country should know why it is going to war.
Read the following excerpt from the story. What do these lines reveal about the author’s perspective? “Certain blood was being shed for uncertain reasons. I saw no unity of purpose, no consensus on matters of philosophy or history or law.”
He believes that a country should know why it is going to war.
The narrator had taken only modest action against the war during college because he
felt removed from the reality of the war
Naive means
What aspect of the historical context of the story influences the narrator’s vision of crowds on both sides of the river?
the country’s divided feelings about the war
What does preoccupied mean?
What does compassionate mean?
feeling other people’s suffering
Reticence is the quality of
keeping silent
What does acquiescence mean?
passive agreement
What does the narrator realize when he sees the “EMERGENCY FUND” envelope?
Elroy knows that the narrator has been drafted.
The Rainy River is important in the story because it
marks the border between Minnesota and Canada
Censure is
harsh criticism
Read the following excerpt from the story. What most likely influenced the author’s perspective? “I was too good for this war. Too smart, too compassionate, too everything.”
a college education
The narrator has been afraid for 20 years to tell his story because he
thinks it will cause embarrassment for him and his family
The narrator’s decision is difficult because the historical context of the story shows that people are
divided about the Vietnam War
The speaker in “Who Makes the Journey” is speaking to “you.” Where are “you” in the poem?
in a car
In “Who Makes the Journey,” the poet shows that she is part of a contemporary literary period by
using a relaxed attitude toward an elder
Why might the new colossus tell ancient lands to keep their “storied pomp”?
Immigrants will create a new history in a new land.
The old woman in “Who Makes the Journey” has traveled to
live with her daughter
The “golden door” in the last line of “The New Colossus” is the door
to new opportunity
The sensory details in lines 38-42 of “Who Makes the Journey” suggest that the old woman is
Which statement applies exclusively to one of the poems because of the literary period in which it was written?
“Who Makes the Journey” has a conversational tone.
The “ghost child” in line 17 of “Who Makes the Journey” is the
grown woman
The new colossus lifts a lamp beside the “golden door” in line 14 to
light the way to new opportunity and hope
The new colossus is
the Statue of Liberty
The most important quality of the new colossus to immigrants is its
welcoming nature
Which element of “Who Makes the Journey” tells you that the poem is from a contemporary literary period?
informal language
Reread line 7 of “The New Colossus.” The sensory details in this line appeal to the sense of
The sensory details in lines 38-41 of “Who Makes the Journey” suggest that the old woman is
aware of her surroundings
According to lines 10-13 of “The New Colossus,” what does the new colossus want the ancient lands to do?
send their neediest people
An anarchist
favors the overthrow of a government
What is insolence?
Auspicious means
What angers Antigone at the beginning of the play?
Ismene refuses to help bury Polyneices.
What does contempt mean?
belief that someone is inferior
To justify her actions, Antigone argues with Creon that she is abiding by
the wishes of her family
Reread the following comments from the sentry in Scene 1. What do the comments help you infer about Creon? “I did not do it. I did not see who did it. You must not punish me for what someone else has done.”
He acts without fairness.
According to the choragus, Antigone and her father’s shared tragic flaw is that they
act stubbornly
What does reverence mean?
Lamentation means
an expression of grief
What prophecy does Teiresias reveal?
Creon’s family members will die if he refuses to appease the gods.
Impassively means
without emotion
To defile something is to
make it dirty
Whom does Creon refuse to bury?
Haemon argues that Creon should free Antigone because
others believe that Antigone is innocent
The main character from Don Quixote is convinced that he is a
heroic knight
A person who shows enmity acts with
In Man of La Mancha, Wasserman reveals Sancho’s humor through his
proverbs for Don Quixote
In Man of La Mancha, the character of Cervantes explains that Don Quixote hopes to
right all wrongs
In their parodies, both authors create comic imitations of
chivalric heroes and battles
Why is Don Quixote excited at the end of the excerpt from Man of La Mancha?
He sees a “castle” where he may be knighted.
To resurrect means to
bring back to life
How is visual humor used as a technique of parody in the musical play but not in the novel?
The animals in the story are actually people.
An affable person is
What is a cavalcade?
a procession of people on horses
What does fictitious mean?
created by the imagination
To burnish means to
Which character in Don Quixote is Don Quixote’s enemy
a magician
What does hapless mean?
In both selections, Don Quixote battles
Caesar orders Antony to touch Calpurnia during the race so that
Calpurnia will conceive a child
Reread Scene 3, lines 157-160. The conspirators want Brutus to join them because Brutus
is known as an honorable man
Why does Cassius have the Pindurus kill him?
He thinks that his friend is dead.
While in his tent, Brutus accuses Cassius of
taking bribes
Why does Disch call Julius Caesar a dull play in “Review of Julius Caesar”?
The play is stripped of dramatic content.
You can determine from Oliver’s comments in “Hail, Caesar!” that one of her criteria for a director is the ability to
create an understandable, interesting production
The author of “Hail, Caesar!” says that she enjoyed Pacino’s performance as Mark Antony because he
seemed so obviously sinister
Oliver’s review is broader than Disch’s review because Oliver includes opinions about
the set, lighting, and costumes
Caesar reveals that his tragic flaw may be to ignore warnings when he
dismisses the soothsayer
Oliver says in “Hail, Caesar!” that Edward Herrmann changed her impression of Cassius because he
made Cassius seem to be the focus of the play
When Brutus’ army moves down out of the hills, Antony thinks that the army
is trying to show courage
How does the author of “Review of Julius Caesar” feel about the theater’s attempt to perform all of Shakespeare’s plays?
Antony shows Caesar’s wounds during the funeral to
anger the people against the conspirators
What does the author of “Hail, Caesar!” describe to support her opinion of John McMartin’s performance as Caesar?
the way McMartin said the line “Et tu, Brute!”
Which event leads to the final downfall of the tragic hero Brutus?
his defeat in battle
Portia kills herself because
she is worried about Brutus
Which of the following words best describes the author’s tone in her review “Hail, Caesar!”?
The sidenote for line 148 from Scene 3 helps you understand that
the news of Portia’s death hurts Cassius
The sidenotes for lines 66-78 of Scene 2 explain that Cassius is trying to
prove that he is a good friend to Brutus
What does Cassius claim that he does better than Brutus?
be a soldier
What is Brutus’ reason for refusing to swear an oath?
The conspirators’ goal should unite them.
The two authors of “Hail, Caesar!” and “Review of Julius Caesar” disagree about the
director’s ability
What does Cassius tell Brutus that people should do for their friends?
understand their faults
When Brutus leaves the funeral after giving his speech, he shows that he has the tragic flaw of
being too sure of his ability to persuade others
The author of “Review of Julius Caesar” demonstrates a sarcastic tone when he
compliments Pacino for remembering his lines
Flavius and Marullus show their disapproval of Caesar’s power when they
remove decorations from statues
What do you learn by reading the summary at the beginning of Scene 3?
The night is stormy.
Portia first sends Lucius to the Senate House to
find out who is standing near Caesar
What does the ghost of Caesar tell Brutus?
Brutus will see the ghost again at Philippi.
What does Titinius place on Cassius’ body?
a wreath of victory
Antony says that he wants to see Brutus after Caesar’s murder to
find out why the conspirators killed Caesar
Brutus views the two appearances of Caesar’s ghost as a warning that
Brutus will die
What standard for actors would the author of “Review of Julius Caesar” most likely say that Martin Sheen failed to meet?
delivering lines well
Brutus complains about Cassius’
cold attitude
What opinion of Al Pacino as Mark Antony does Disch give in “A Review of Julius Caesar “?
Pacino played his part without eloquence.
Reread Scene 1, lines 25-26, and the stage directions. The details in these lines show you that Trebonius’ job in the conspiracy is to
take Antony out of the Senate House
The sidenote for lines 5-6 of Scene 2 explains that Caesar sends his servant to the priests to
find out what will happen in the future
Killing the flag bearer shows Cassius’
Why does Artemidorus say that Caesar needs to read his letter first?
The letter concerns Caesar personally.
The summary at the beginning of Scene 2 explains that the crowd at Caesar’s funeral is made up of
the common people of Rome
Brutus sends a rider with orders to the other forces because Brutus
thinks that Octavius’ troops can be beaten
Reread Scene 4, lines 28-30. What does the Soothsayer mean?
He has news for Caesar if Caesar is wise enough to listen.
Reading the summary at the beginning of Scene 1 helps you understand that Caesar is powerful because
he defeated Pompey in a civil war
Brutus and Trebonius do not fear revenge from Antony because Antony
cares more about having fun
Antony claims that he is refusing to read Caesar’s will to the crowd because it
will make the crowd angry that Caesar is dead
Brutus sends Cassius’ body away for burial because it
will upset the troops
Artemidorus’ plan to give Caesar a note shows that Artemidorus
supports Caesar
Flavius and Marullus view the workers they meet in the street as
What do Brutus, Cassius, Octavius, and Antony do when they meet before the battle?
insult and belittle each other
Oliver’s comment in “Hail, Caesar!” that she enjoyed the performances of “almost everyone” in the show indicates that she
holds a realistic and balanced opinion of the production