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Hawthorne Effect - Principles of Management Quiz BMGT
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Hawthorne Effect, Total Quality Management, Principles of Management Quiz – BMGT

The key terms in this Business Management course include Hawthorne Effect, Total Quality Management, Division of Labor, Culture Shock, Recruitment, Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Principles of Management Quiz, BMGT

Which term best refers to people’s reactions to being observed or studied resulting in superficial rather than meaningful changes in behavior?

esprit de corps

division of labor

Hawthorne effect

subordination of individual interest to the general interest

scientific management

_____ is a way of managing in which everyone is committed to continuous improvement of his or her part of the operation.

Mass customization

Mutual adjustment



Total quality management

________ is the assignment of different tasks to different people or groups in an organization.

Locus of control


Division of labor

Value chain

Supply chain

_____ is the disorientation and stress associated with being in a foreign environment.

Ethical lapse


Culture shock


Fundamental attribution error

Recruitment is

a tool for determining what is done on a given job and what should be done on that job.

the development of a pool of applicants for jobs in an organization.

a system of organizational activities to attract, develop, and motivate an effective and qualified workforce.

choosing from among qualified applicants to hire into an organization.

a technique that involves asking all applicants the same questions and comparing their responses.

__________ refers to the submission to or rejection of sexual conduct that is used as a basis for employment decisions.

Social loafing

Mutual adjustment

Quid pro quo harassment


Fundamental attribution error

_____ is a tendency to judge foreign people or groups by the standards of one’s own culture or group, and to see one’s own standards as superior.






Which term best refers to people’s reactions to being observed or studied resulting in superficial rather than meaningful changes in behavior?

esprit de corps

division of labor

Hawthorne effect

subordination of individual interest to the general interest

scientific management

_____ is a way of managing in which everyone is committed to continuous improvement of his or her part of the operation.

Mass customization

Mutual adjustment



Total quality management