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In which order would the expectancy theory place the following events?
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Behavioral Approach, Expectancy Theory Principles of Management Quiz – BMGT

The key terms in this Business Management course include Expectancy Theory, Behavioral Approach, Organizational Effectiveness, A Management Audit, Renewable Competitive Advantage, Continuous Learning, Benchmarking, Principles of Management Quiz, BMGT

In which order would the expectancy theory place the following events?

outcome valence, performance, effort

performance, effort, outcome valence

effort, outcome valence, performance

performance, outcome valence, effort

effort, performance, outcome valence

______ is a leadership perspective that attempts to identify what good leaders do—that is, what behaviors they exhibit.

Behavioral approach

Trait approach

Transformational leadership

Strategic approach

Situational approach

Increasing _____ involves improving an organization’s ability to respond to customers, stockholders, governments, employees, and other stakeholders, which results in better-quality products, higher financial returns, and high quality of work life.


management myopia


organizational effectiveness

organizational bureaucracy

________ is an evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems within an organization.

A standard

A management audit

An innovation catalyst

A budget

A profit and loss statement

_____ is a vital route to renewable competitive advantage.

Continuous learning



Change agents


_____ is the process of comparing a firm’s practices and technologies with those of other organizations.



Six Sigma

Management audit

Feedforward control

Which of the following relationships is true?

assets + liabilities + stockholders’ equity = 0

assets + liabilities = stockholders’ equity

assets = liabilities + stockholders’ equity

assets + stockholders’ equity = liabilities

assets = liabilities – stockholders’ equity

In which order would the expectancy theory place the following events?

outcome valence, performance, effort

performance, effort, outcome valence

effort, outcome valence, performance

performance, outcome valence, effort

effort, performance, outcome valence

______ is a leadership perspective that attempts to identify what good leaders do—that is, what behaviors they exhibit.

Behavioral approach

Trait approach

Transformational leadership

Strategic approach

Situational approach

Increasing _____ involves improving an organization’s ability to respond to customers, stockholders, governments, employees, and other stakeholders, which results in better-quality products, higher financial returns, and high quality of work life.


management myopia


organizational effectiveness

organizational bureaucracy