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Amniocentesis is usually performed in the second trimester to identify fetal genetic anomalies and open defects such as ________
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Amniocentesis – Test 10

The key terms of Test 10 include, Amniocentesis.

Amniocentesis is usually performed in the second trimester to identify fetal genetic anomalies and open defects such as _______________

Neural tube defects

Blood test that takes levels of AFP, hCG, estriol, and inhibin A, combined with other factors to produce a probability of a fetus having an abnormality such as Downs or spinabifida, etc. It’s only a probability not a diagnosis.

Multiple marker screening

Assessment of part of developing placenta (chorionic villi) which is aspirated through a thin sterile catheter or syringe inserted through the abdominal wall or intravaginally through the cervix under ultrasound guidance

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

Multiple Marker Screening
Maternal serum samples are taken between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation, and the results are considered positive if MSAFP and estriol are ————– and if hCG is —————-

Low, high

If nip stimulation fails, Oxytocin can be administered via IV to induce contractions
Positive – fetus had adverse reaction to contractions
Negative – fetus responded as expected to contractions

Oxytocin-stimulated contraction test

For ante partum evaluation of fetal well being performed during third trimester. Noninvasive test that monitors the FHR to fetal movement.
A Doppler transducer (used to monitor the FHR) and a tocotransducer(used to monitor uterine contractions) are attached externally to a client’s abdomen to obtain tracing strips. Client pushes a button when she feels the fetus move.

Non-stress test (NST)

The test allows follow-up of a nonreactive NST result or BPP.
If findings are negative, CST offers more than 99% reassurance that the utero-placental unit is likely to support life for at least one more week
A positive CST result allows the physician to analyze available options and to make plans for the birth of an infant who may be compromised because of decreased placental functioning before or during labor.

Contraction stress test

During the —————– trimester, amniocentesis may be used to determine fetal lung maturity or to evaluate fetal hemolytic disease that is often caused by Rh incompatibility.


Fetal monitoring

Reactive (reassuring): At least ———- FHR accelerations, with or without fetal movement, occurring within any ———-minute period and peaking at least ———- beats per minute (bpm) above the baseline and lasting ——— seconds from baseline to baseline

2, 20, 15

No late or significant variable decelerations.

Reassuring CST

Maternal-fetal blood flower by measuring velocity at which RBCs travel in uterine and fetal vessels
Reflects sound waves from a moving target
Fetal intrauterine growth restriction and poor placental perfusion

Doppler ultrasound
